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Science/history fairs--do you make your kids participate?

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Tonight the topic at our homeschool group's monthly mom's night out was how to do science/history fairs. Very informative to those of us who haven't done one since grade school.


Some of the moms mentioned that their children don't have a choice as to whether or not they participate. They require their children to do both. There were a couple other moms who said they let their children decide for themselves. The moms who make their children stated public speaking type reasons as well as *I'm the parent and so I make the decisions for my children.*


It made me wonder what the *norm* is, I guess, in other homeschooling families. Not that it matters one way or another. I am simply curious. So I thought I would ask here. Do you make your children participate in fairs or do you let them decide for themselves?

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Well, my oldest is in 6th grade, but for most things like this I decide whether or not they'll participate. I usually give the kids enough heads-up to complete their project in a timely manner, but there's no discussion, really.


With that said, I have the most gung-ho, will-participate-in-almost-anything kind of kids. I don't think they've ever NOT wanted to participate in something, so it's just a no-brainer for me at this stage of our lives. lol


In a few years, if they were more reluctant, I'd probably still force 'em to participate. History and Science fairs are fun, man!!!! :thumbup:


I know there were a million things I was forced to do in high school, and I'm glad of it. That's how it is in "The Real World" - lots of things we don't want to do, but have to, so I'm glad I had some experience before being tossed out into that real world. :D

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It's very much case-by-case in our home, rather than a one-size-fits-all MO. I don't think I'd require it flat out, unless I felt there was an opportunity presenting itself that I needed to take advantage of.


For instance, if my child were lacking in the public speaking area I could see merit in requiring the science fair. If we weren't doing enough or any experiments and follow-up at home, I could see requiring participation. But if I felt satisfied that both of these were being addressed elsewhere, I'd leave the decision up to each kid whether to participate. It would just depend on the event and the child.

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