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Writing Tales

Annie Laurie

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My dd, 4th grade, has been doing WT2 this year. She never did WT1. She used WWE 2 last year.


Anyway, WT2 takes her anywhere from 15-30 minutes per day depending on the assignment. But, on days when she has to actually write her story, it may take her closer to an hour because she's a rather slow worker. Sometimes, I give her 2 days to do this. There are only 30 weeks in WT, I think, so it's ok to use it a little slower than scheduled.


She loves the program, though. I was considering something else for writing next year, but this is really working for her! She's been a reluctant writer. She cannot do original writing, so writing from a model is great for her. Today was a writing day, and she actually chose to do it first thing this morning!! I was shocked! So, we'll be onto Homer next year. I'm buying early to study and prepare myself :)

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I've looked at both and although we ended up using neither for long (the basis of both, rewriting the stories got old fast for my daughter. I may go back to WT when my son's older) I much preferred WT2. The work I had to put into just understanding Aesop was too much. WT2 is a lot friendlier.

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We just started WT1 before the Christmas break. WWE was a little overwhelming for ds. My ds is 4th grade and almost on grade level, but needs lots of encouragement in the writing area. We find this very easy to implement. It takes about 15 minutes. We do use R&S grammar as well, I just pick and choose which to add in. For instance today I skipped a spelling and grammar assignment in WT in favor of a grammar lesson in R&S 4. I'm planning to continue this way.

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We're doing WT 1 and find it very user-friendly. The part my son dislikes the most is the actual writing, which is going to be in any writing program. :) It does cover grammar, but lightly, so most people do a grammar program alongside it. We are not, but will probably do some after we finish the program since it is scheduled shorter than a typical school year. There are some samples on the website that might be helpful to look at.

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