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CLE Reading Question


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I just switched to Learning to Read for my 1st grade ds and was wondering about the rest of CLE reading series. It seems as though all the stories are written by the same person and are all of a realistic nature. In other words no fanciful animal stories or such. I really like the layout and sweet stories of LTR but I want more story variety as my children get older. I do have them also start reading full length books come 3rd grade or earlier if they can handle it.

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It seems as though all the stories are written by the same person and are all of a realistic nature. In other words no fanciful animal stories or such.


We've used CLE reading 1-8.


There is a variety of stories and poems in CLE reading; not by the same authors. You will not find fanciful animal stories or such in CLE reading. I look to one of my favorite children's authors, Thorton Burgess, for animal stories. CLE reading was never our only reading source thoughout K-8. In grades 1-4 we also used Calvert's Harcourt readers (no longer being used) along with CLE.

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They feel that portraying human qualities in animals is wrong, and that there's a clear difference between man and animals as God created them. If you continue with it to the higher grades, you'll encounter some of the Mennonite doctrine of pacifism and non-resistance.


That said, we continue to use the readers and have been very happy with them. I'm one that pre-reads everything school-related that my kids read, and we just discuss the differences. I've read the 2-8th grade readers and used 2nd-6th, and plan to continue to use them. I did let my oldest stop after 6th grade because he's a WW II buff and was getting frustrated with their views on war.

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