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R&S vs CLE--consumable


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I was all set to go with CLE when it dawned on me that CLE looks very consumable and that I wouldn't be able to just pass it down to the next kid. From what I've read of R&S it looks less consumable and more textbooky. Is that the case? I was torn between the 2 anyway and for financial reasons it would be best to go with the one that would last through 3 kids the best.

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Yes, CLE has more workbooks, but I really like the way they are set up. I currently use their Math. I love keeping track of the speed drills as well as quiz and test scores right in the workbooks. It makes things much simpler. I do use R&S English and I use the worksheets but I would love it if it was all in workbook form. It is these small things that make homeschooling easier for me. Just something for you to consider. ;)


I'm currently looking into CLE LA, in part because of it's ease of use.

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I was all set to go with CLE when it dawned on me that CLE looks very consumable and that I wouldn't be able to just pass it down to the next kid. From what I've read of R&S it looks less consumable and more textbooky. Is that the case? I was torn between the 2 anyway and for financial reasons it would be best to go with the one that would last through 3 kids the best.


We use and absolutely love R&S, plus we've saved a ton of money using their materials. Not only are they already very inexpensive, they also have a 10% off sale each spring, plus a 50% off "seconds" sale each year. We purchased some seconds this year and they were in fine condition. From what I've heard, their shipping is much cheaper than CLE, so that's also a factor to consider.

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The only CLE I have my girls to in the book is LA. They do Math and Reading on notebook paper.


You could also use page protectors and wipe off markers. ;)


With CLE, are the answer keys essential or do I just need to buy the teachers guides and the light units?

I haven't found the guides to be helpful. The answer key is going to depend on the subject, level, and if you think you need it. For example, I don't need the answer key for LA 100 but I need it for Math 500.


No, they don't have sales. I was also just reading on the yahoogroup that they don't sell seconds anymore either. But you may be able to find some items on sale/swap boards. I've found things too at our used homeschool bookstore (http://www.bibliomaniatulsa.com You can order from them and they'll ship), including unused workbooks.

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I'm a big R&S fan. They're thorough, user friendly, pick up and go, and there's that mostly nonconsumable perk too. :) There is a slight learning curve before it will be pick up and go, but I'd imagine the same could be said for nearly any curriculum. Using a lot of R&S for my oldest once he hit the logic stage will start paying off this fall, when all I have to pick up for my second kidlet is the $4-6 consumable reloads (test booklets and such).


Just for the record, I don't have a problem with their grammar stage curriculum. I didn't discover how much I loved them until the fifth grade English book showed up for my oldest. I will be filling the odd gaps in our curriculum shelf with R&S as needed for my littles. We mostly use their English, math and spelling, with a few random other selections thrown in.

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Thank you for this thread. We are currently using CLE Math and LA (Grade 1), and I am considering R&S for LA because it is non-consumable. I know people often say they wish R&S had workbooks, but I often wish that CLE came in a textbook version! :laugh: (At least for LA.)




That being said, I love the idea of using page protectors (brilliant!) with CLE.


I have found the Teacher's Guides to be very helpful at the 100 level. The program is SO MUCH MORE than just the workbooks for Grade 1. We spend more time doing the activities from the Teacher's Guide (oral review, etc.) than the workbook. I feel you'd be missing quite a bit by skipping them.


However, the Teacher's Guide for the older levels seem to be fairly weak (as the LU's become more and more independent for the student). This is the secondary reason I'm considering R&S, because I LOVE a good IG for foggy mornings. :closedeyes: ;)


Good luck with your choice!

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I use a mix of CLE and R&S, but in most subjects, I lean toward R&S. Their Science and History is definitely better than CLE (if your child can jive with textbook-y). My son LOVES R&S Science and History. I love that it is on grade level, academically sound, and very independent for him. :)


We use CLE LA for my younger, but I do plan on switching to R&S for him at some point in LA. My older son uses and jives with CLE Math because he is a mathy kid. My younger son is almost through CLE 1st grade math and we are switching to R&S math soon because math is not his strong point and he needs to learn "fact families" with more review and drill. R&S offers a bit more of that than CLE. My mathy kid, though, wouldn't think of parting from CLE Math.


CLE doesn't offer "spelling" as a seperate program, but R&S does. We needed spelling to be seperate for my older son as he struggles in that area.


R&S has a remedial reading type program that I have picked up to go through with my oldest, while CLE has a Report Writing light unit that I also intend to go through with my oldest. I think these two curriculums mix well and are both so solid and sound academically. I just feel I can't go wrong. We don't use much else - other than HOD Bible, Pentime Penmanship, Draw Write Now, and read alouds from HOD. :)

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I use a mix of CLE and R&S, but in most subjects, I lean toward R&S. Their Science and History is definitely better than CLE (if your child can jive with textbook-y). My son LOVES R&S Science and History. I love that it is on grade level, academically sound, and very independent for him. :)


I've considered using R&S history, especially because DS is thriving with the R&S materials we're currently using and does well with a textbook approach, but I heard there was a lot of "anabaptist" doctrine throughout their history textbooks. We agree with many of their beliefs, but not all, including "non-resistance," so I was wondering how well it would work for us to use the textbooks. What are your thoughts after having used them?

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