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Hair help

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Long story short--I got a perm in June, it didn't take around my face. 2wks later got another..again it didnt take around my face. 4wks later the owner gave me another one. Then it slowly starting falling out(perm) again around my face. I did not go back, I have just been dealing with it and scrunching it alot while it dried. Now it is straighter around my face, so I decided to blow dry it straight last week.Dh liked it a lot better and asked for me to keep it straight and let it grow out. I am ok with this. I decided to get it cut--at a different salon--to get it cut to get rid of the frizzy hair at the ends.I still have some that needs to be cut, but didn't want to go any shorter. The beautician told me that my hair was not in bad shape, but another cut would take care of it. She straightened my hair with a flatiron and I liked it--it didn't look frizzy at all. I went and purchased a straightener and love it, but HATE how my hair feels now...straw-like and the ends look frizzy. I have no idea what the beautician did to make my hair silky smooth.

Is there some sort of product that I can get to help my hair through the process of the flatiron?

Blow drying it doesn't look as nice as the flatiron. I am only washing and fixing my hair every other day.


When I wash my hair I don't rinse out the conditioner.

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Could you have damaged it with the straightener? I think there is some stuff to put on your hair before you use heat on it. I'd check with you hair dresser. I think I frizzed my own ends worse than ever once by using bad products, heat and not cutting it well myself. I hope it works out for you.

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I flat iron my hair daily.


I use and love Redken products!

In particular:

Velvet whip


then followed up with a bit of Smooth Down Heat Glide at the ends


then blown out flat w/a broad brush.

When my hair is dry, I spritz with a bit of Iron Silk


and flat iron.

If my hair is frizzy, I will apply a tiny bit of Heat Glide. (Just a dab in my palm, then smoothed through my hair.)


Okay, now that I type all that out, I sound really crazed about my hair, but really I'm not. :tongue_smilie:

I was a major tom-boy growing up and always had super-short hair. I grew it out in college, but that was back in the big-perm '80s. :D Then I went super-short again for many more years. I decided to grow it out about 8 years ago and don't know much about hair care/upkeep. I adore my hairdresser and she turned me on to these products. I love how super-soft my hair feels.

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