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Jensen's Grammar vs. Analytical Grammar - which one to use for self-education

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I am ready to work through a high school level grammar course in the hopes of refreshing my memory before my oldest reaches high school. I am trying to decided between Jensen's grammar and Analytical grammar and am wondering if anyone has used both programs and could give me feedback.



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I reviewed both of these recently for a co-op I'll be teaching in the fall. I would take AG, hands-down. I'm using Jensen's Format Writing for the writing portion, but I didn't like the grammar part when I saw it. I thought it used unusual terminology and explained things in a way that didn't speak to me (and I was an English major in college and a technical writer/editor for about 15 years).


AG is very detailed and comprehensive, and it does a lot of diagramming (I'm a big fan of diagramming as a tool to help understand sentences), so I like it. The downsides to AG are cost and possibly complexity (depending on your POV). The teacher's manual has all of the answers and possible variations, though.


But I must say I haven't actually USED either one yet. So YMMV.


Hope this helps.

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I've only use AG. It covers diagramming and puctuation

thoroughly. It doesn't cover usage. It is very in depth.

Started in 7th grade 2nd semester and we're finishing up. The book when complete can act as a reference book. I highly recommend it!



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I have Jensen's and really tried to use it twice. It didn't work for us for the same reasons given by Cassandra.


I haven't used AG. Everything about it looks tempting, except the price.


I'm using Jensen's Format Writing for the writing portion, but I didn't like the grammar part when I saw it. I thought it used unusual terminology and explained things in a way that didn't speak to me (and I was an English major in college


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I am ready to work through a high school level grammar course in the hopes of refreshing my memory before my oldest reaches high school. I am trying to decided between Jensen's grammar and Analytical grammar and am wondering if anyone has used both programs and could give me feedback.




I have Jensen's and use it as a Jr. High grammar text. However, the others are correct in that it uses different terminology than some (his terms are more linguistically-based rather than grammatically-based). At the Jr. High level my students are already familiar with the traditional terms (via R&S), so the difference is rather refreshing.


I think a terrific, reasonable, traditional program is Abeka's High school level program. It is in-depth, teaches diagramming, and is easy to use. It is also half the price of AG (as a self-learner, you just need the student text and teacher key. Skip the tests/quizzes/any other helps--you won't need them.) Go with the 9th or 10 grade text (called Grammar and Composition III or IV). These books also covers usage/mechanics/writing style (within the context of grammar--parallel constructions, dangling modifiers, etc). The back third of each book covers writing exercises which you will be skipping.


Abeka would be *my* choice as an adult learner...



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I've only use AG. It covers diagramming and puctuation

thoroughly. It doesn't cover usage. It is very in depth.

Started in 7th grade 2nd semester and we're finishing up. The book when complete can act as a reference book. I highly recommend it!




Just to be clear, Analytical Grammar DOES cover usage. It is the whole second half of the third season. I/me, who/whom, sub/verb agreement, pro/antecedent agreement, etc., etc. It's all there.

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Thanks you guys! I was getting ready to order Jensens so I think I'll hold off on that.


One of the workers at our hs bookstore also recommended Abeka. I think I'll go over there this weekend and take a look.


If you go to http://www.abeka.com and sign in as a guest and bring up grade 9 or 10 (or both, but not at once!), you will be able to click on the student book and be given a snapshot of a single page. Not much to go on, but it might help you to decide whether to continue pursuing it or not....



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Just to be clear, Analytical Grammar DOES cover usage. It is the whole second half of the third season. I/me, who/whom, sub/verb agreement, pro/antecedent agreement, etc., etc. It's all there.


We haven't gotton that far and I guess I overlooked it.

I am glad this is covered.

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