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First Form Latin vs. LCII


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We like Latin at our house, but LCII is proving a bit difficult for my daughter. We're on Lesson 16 and I'm thinking we might be better off if I quit now and go with First Form Latin. She'd get needed review and not have everything thrown at her so fast.


Any opinions on this? And what do I do if we finish 1st and 2nd before 3rd comes out?


ETA: Oh, and also if I hate the LC DVD's and we never use them and I have no problem teaching, do I want to order the FFL DVD's or would I hate them too? (I don't like the DVD's because they take forever.)

Edited by dangermom
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Two options come to mind - (I'm not sure the pace you're using for LCII) you could do LCII more slowly, to give her more time to digest the material or you could jump right into First Form 1. I think MP is now recommending that sequence - LCI, FF1, FF2, etc. so skipping the rest of LCII shouldn't be a problem at all.


I would suggest calling MP to find out their planned release dates for FF3 and FF4. I'm sure they will be out in time for your dd to use when she gets to them.


Just to add - for my older two, we used LC1 and LCII then moved into Henle which I've really liked. For my third who is close to finishing up LCI, I am considering doing the FF route. Like you, I didn't like LCII as much as LCI.


Hope this helps some, good luck in your decision!

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. On the website, they say that the FF DVD lessons are only 15-20min. Is this true?


Ooh, I want to know this too! We are on lesson 21 of LCI and then will be moving to FF. I use the DVD's, but really dislike them. I wasn't going to use them, but if they are only 15-20 minutes... well, I think I would!

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