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Unexpected, and touching (CC:treading gently, here)

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(takes a deep breath)


This morning, our church commemorated Sanctity of Life Sunday.


A woman I have become friends with shared her story, as a post-abortive woman dealing with her hurt and pain and grief. About the healing she's found through Jesus and the study of God's Word. About her hopes and plans to counsel other women who've had the experience.


It was so very, very touching.


She'd shared her story with me personally before, but I was just so proud of her for how she presented herself before our very large congregation.


And her comment to me tonight?


"I just hope I can help someone else out there. I'd like to talk to them, but they're hidden. But I know they're out there."


I blogged about it - it has touched my heart deeply.


Thanks for listening.

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Statistically, it is 1 in 4 women. Even if it is a lower # in the church (not saying that it is), there are probably some in most congregations and many in a large congregation.


There is a woman at our church with a post-abortive ministry who has been very open with her past...and at the first church I went to, a friend (male) shared about how he had encouraged a girlfriend to abort. I am so grateful for those who are willing to let the Lord use their experience, no matter how painful.

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Thanks, everyone.


I find myself thinking about this subject more and more. It's weighing heavy on my heart.


I'm being challenged by the Lord to - help - somehow; but since it's not my own personal experience (there but for the grace of God go I. . . ) I'm wondering how useful I could be.


I can certainly pray.


As someone posted earlier, the estimates are 1 in 4.


That means, out of the 500 or so views, there may be 50-75 here who are experiencing this pain. It's heartbreaking.

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Thanks, everyone.


I find myself thinking about this subject more and more. It's weighing heavy on my heart.


I'm being challenged by the Lord to - help - somehow; but since it's not my own personal experience (there but for the grace of God go I. . . ) I'm wondering how useful I could be.


I can certainly pray.




If you have a Crisis Pregnancy Center nearby (try carenet.org or carenet.com), some of them have post-abortive ministries. One I volunteered at had a Bible study on forgiveness. I firmly believe that you don't have to be post-abortive to know and share the grace of God--we're all sinners. You might ask the lady who shared how you can help her...if she is looking into doing counseling she might need help, or at least have some ideas about what you can do.

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If you have a Crisis Pregnancy Center nearby (try carenet.org or carenet.com), some of them have post-abortive ministries. One I volunteered at had a Bible study on forgiveness. I firmly believe that you don't have to be post-abortive to know and share the grace of God--we're all sinners. You might ask the lady who shared how you can help her...if she is looking into doing counseling she might need help, or at least have some ideas about what you can do.



Thanks for the encouragement, Rosy.


I'll be seeing my friend tomorrow morning - I'm looking forward to giving her a big hug, and then yes I will ask about how I can help. . . . .

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Thanks, everyone.


I find myself thinking about this subject more and more. It's weighing heavy on my heart.


I'm being challenged by the Lord to - help - somehow; but since it's not my own personal experience (there but for the grace of God go I. . . ) I'm wondering how useful I could be.


I can certainly pray.


As someone posted earlier, the estimates are 1 in 4.


That means, out of the 500 or so views, there may be 50-75 here who are experiencing this pain. It's heartbreaking.


I used to volunteer at a "crisis pregnancy center." One of the services they offer is post-abortion counseling...people rave about the program and have found healing, whether it has been 2 months or 2 decades.


One way to help is to volunteer at such a center. The one I worked for did a fabulous job training the volunteers. It was a blessing to me to be part of it. I hope to do it again one day.

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