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Trying to decide between Teaching the Trivium and Trivium Mastery or...


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I like Teaching the Trivium, although I've had the book for several years and still haven't sat down and read the entire thing cover to cover. I take it chunks at a time, as it's very meaty and I can only handle so much at a time (so similar to TWTM in that way). Definitely written from a Godly perspective. Does NOT take a "neutral" position of education.


I think that TTT meshes well with more of a "lifestyle" or "discipleship" method of homeschooling, rather than making academics the primary focus. It's obvious that academics are a high priority, too.... but not the *highest* priority. TTT meshes well with Charlotte Mason -- the classical side of CM, not the (incorrect) perspective of unschooling that some have of CM.


One thing about TTT that some disagree with is their view of math in the early years. They don't believe in "formal" math, i.e., textbooks until about age 10. They give historical background for the reasons for this, as well as psychological and developmental. Yes, they absolutely DO agree with having children learn their math facts well and doing daily hands-on, real life math, but where some would say to begin Saxon 1 in Kindergarten, TTT would say there are other ways of teaching young children what they *need* to know at that age, and then begin Saxon 6/5 at about age 10, after they've learned their math facts very well. So from that point on, they're on the same page with TWTM. But be sure to read the full article on WHY and HOW they do math in the early years before jumping to the conclusion that they don't "do" math at that age.

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Another vote for TTT.


We are not Christian, but it is definitely written from a Christian POV. I highly recommend reading it, or at least reading the 10 things to do before age 10.


IMO: just the appendix and articles in the back are worth the cost of the book :)

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Thank you all so much. I just ordered Teaching the Trivium and Classical Education and the Homeschool by Douglas Wilson. So...the best of both worlds.


I look forward to reading them. I can't tell you how many books I ordered with my Christmas money!!!! Yay!!! It was sooo much fun! :D


I get really excited when it comes to books that I feel will draw me and my family closer to the Lord!!!

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