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WWYD? Spelling?


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My dd13 (7th gr) is abt half through SWO G. It only takes her abt 15 - 25 min a week to do her whole lesson. She typically misses one to three words on the pretest and nearly always gets 100% of the weekly post test.


SWO has worked very well for her over the years. She doesn't mind it.


Meanwhile, her time is limited d/t many interests and there is always more I want to do than we have time for. . .


I am trying to decide whether to


1) just drop SWO to make time for vocab (Vocab from Classical Roots &/or Ceasar's English 1) NOW


2) have her go double time through SWO G and then H to FINISH the SWO series and THEN go on to vocab (in order to start vocab by early - mid 8th gr)


3) have her finish SWO G but NOT do H (and then do vocab) (in order to be on to vocab by this summer)


4) start vocab NOW, simultaneously with the SWO series


What do you think????????

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We tried to do Spelling along with Vocabulary and found that it was just using too much time to get both done during the week, so we dropped Vocab from Classical Roots and plan on picking it up later...maybe around 9th...however, we do use Word Roots software once a week.


It probably just depends on how much time she has scheduled during the week. Since she's good at spelling, maybe the time can be used better doing something else?

Edited by jadedone80
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