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Camera/Picture editing question

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OK, I was using a borrowed camera, for our Christmas picture. We took the picture, took it to Walmart, and got it printed into pics.


After I was home, I got to playing with the picture on my computer. I was editing it, cropping out the unnecessary. Well, on my old camera, and on my mom's camera, if you save the edited version, it'll also keep a copy of the original version. Apparently not with this software. It deleted my original, and kept the edited. I am not happy, I want the original back. Is there any way I can find it? It isn't in my recycle bin.


Then, I was gonna make my edited pic my computer's wallpaper, and then, it comes out all distorted, like we all are way fat. Apparently when I cropped the pic, it changed the size that the pic originally was. So, if I can't retrieve my original, can I at least make the size of it normal on my wallpaper?


Thanks for reading this, and hopefully someone will know the answer to one of these questions!!



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Not sure about getting the original pic back. As for the wallpaper there should be an option in your desktop settings to either stretch, tile, or center your image. Right now it is set to stretch. You want to change it to center. You should be able to find the setting on your computer control panel. How you get to it and what it is called will depend on your operating system.




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The hard copy came out with a dark background for some reason. The original has much more detail to the picture, which is why I wanted to keep it. I guess it's ok if I can't retrieve the original. I still have the important part of the picture. I just thought I'd check and see if there was a way to retrieve it.



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