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History in logic stage--the logic part


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My 9yo daughter is moving into the logic stage, and next year we'll be doing Ancient History. I'm considering History Odyssey for a spine. Anyway, I've been thinking about how to do logic-stage history, and I'm a little flummoxed.


I've heard SWB speak on how to do literature at the beginning of logic stage, and I'm OK with that. Does anyone have suggestions on how to do this well in the study of history? (I sound like an idiot, don't I? Oh well, it's a lesson in humility I guess.)

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Do you know if SWB put the lecture you saw on logic stage literature as a downloadable mp3? I'd be interested in listening to it.


I have similar questions about my DS9 moving into logic stage. My current plan is to begin with HO Ancients level 2. That way both my kids are in the same time frame. I haven't decided if I'm going to rearrange SOTW to fit HO or rearrange HO to fit SOTW which my DS6 will be doing.


My thinking is that if we do HO we'll approach something that looks like a logic stage history notebook similar to WTM 2009.

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It may have been the Great Books: History as Literature lecture, but I have two on literature on CD from a seminar I attended, and I'm not sure which one it was. Sorry. There was a K-8 lecture and a highschool one, I think.


I'm having the same thing with HO and SOTW, which one to rearrange and such. The 6yo will be in SOTW 1 and the 9yo in HO Ancients 2. If I use it. Agh!

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I'm planning on starting Ancients w/ both Feb 1 or so after we finish American History for this year. Keep me posted on your thoughts and I'll do the same. Did you see a long thread on HO a month or so ago? In it, someone (sorry blank on your name for now) posted a link to her blog where she correlated HO ancients to SOTW1.



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My oldest in fifth grade is not fully in the logic stage as of right now, but we have been using some primary sources for years. I have not yet taught her how to look up primary sources on her own. We may do some of that next year, in sixth grade. As for outlining, yes, we are doing it but not on a strict or regular schedule, we also do narrations and summaries.

What am I missing in the logic stage? Critical thinking? We have been doing that since about first grade! By myself, I teach my children how to look for biases, and how to think about things that we hear or study. We go over fallacies in our history studies naturally, as they come up. We have not started Critical Thinking as a subject, separately, yet.(next year) But we start informal logic pretty early…..

I think children can start bits and pieces of the logic stage earlier than recommended, but as far as going fully into it and having my fifth grader evaluate the primary sources; well, we are not ready for that quite yet!

:o (or maybe "I" need to get with the program) :lol:

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