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My son is sick

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My 11 year old son is sick. This is the kid who barely ever gets sick. His sisters have been sick on and off all fall but he never seems to pick up anything. He also has a high pain tolerance and last time I checked on him he had tears in his eyes from the stomach pain. He doesn't have a fever and the pain is pretty high and in the center so I doubt it is something like appendicitis. It worries me though because he never complains about pain. He has gotten hit numerous times in baseball and just shrugs it off. I sure hope he isn't coming down with the stomach flu. He started feeling bad around noon today. If it was the stomach flu wouldn't he have other symptoms by now? He hasn't vomited, etc.


He is so upset about the possibility of being sick tomorrow and on Christmas. I'm telling him to try not to worry about it. I'm hoping he can jump back quick from whatever this is. The poor kid rarely gets sick (once or twice a year maybe) but it is usually on some holiday or birthday.

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Gallstones? I ask, because my now 16-yr-old has complained about tummy pain off and on for over a year, but never bad enough she said for me to call the doctor. Never a fever. Took her to the doctor for something else, mentioned the frequent tummy upset...he sent us for an ultrasound and lo and behold the kid has gallstones and a gallbladder that is not looking happy (nurse's words on the phone, not mine)- We see a surgeon next week.

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