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Funny 2yo story

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We were eating dinner, she declared she was done, & disappeared. 6yo was taking a bite, & all of a sudden, 2yo was in. her. face. With a baby wipe.


"What are you doing?" 6yo exclaimed.


"I washin' you off."


6yo suggested 2yo wash 8yo off instead. 8yo squealed & pointed at 1yo. 2yo saw the delightful mess & acquired another baby wipe.


She showed up again just as 1yo was leaning over to get a bite off of the fork offered to him. He went for the baby wipe instead, & it. was. not. food.


But the baby who *screams* when I try to clean him off proceeded to wait patiently while his sister meticulously wiped spaghetti from his face. She stood by him & wiped his mouth after every bite afterward, & finally declared,


"All clean!" It took her about 6 wipes.


This is my little one who I've recently caught emptying the laundry room trash. The one you have to step on to open the lid, pull the interior bucket out, empty, and then reinsert. I asked her how she figured that thing out, & she just said, "I helpin' you, Mama."


She likes things clean. Ironically. :lol:

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That's so cute. I have a 2yo little girl who is so similar. She likes to help put laundry in the washer. She uses her baby wipes to wipe things clean. She likes to help cook AND load the dishwasher. She is totally different from the other five who could live in the aftermath of a tornado if you let them. Merry Christmas!

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