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If you were going to make a fruit pie and homemade cinn. rolls ahead of time. . .

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How would you do it?


Would you bake the fruit pie first, then refrigerate it and warm it up the day you serve it? Or would you just freeze it without baking and bake it on the day you want to serve it?


For cinnamon rolls, would you bake them and store them in an airtight container? Bake and freeze? Not bake and freeze and bake the day you are serving them?



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I don't make pies but we do homemade cinnamon rolls every year. I prepare them a day or two before Christmas all the way up to the second rise (so the rolls are made, formed and in the pans ready to rise and then be put in the oven). I refrigerate them until I go to bed on Christmas Eve (usually around midnight or a little after ;) ) Before I go to bed, I put them out on the stove at room temp to rise. When the kids get us up at 7am, I turn the oven on and bake them. When we are done opening presents, they are done and a warm yummy breakfast awaits us. :drool5:

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Yes, freeze the UNBAKED pie and then heat it on the day you want to serve it. It often comes out better than one baked fresh; Dorie Greenspan advocates this method because the pastry actually crisps more. It will be significantly LESS tasty if you bake it and then freeze it.


I have baked cinnamon rolls and frozen them, and they were fine. I am not sure about freezing them raw, honestly.

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Yes, freezing a pie, then baking it works really well. Pie crust ingredients should be as cold as possible to get a really flaky crust. Can't get much colder than frozen! :)


I also pre-baked baked goods all the time - cinnamon rolls, breads, muffins, cakes, etc., etc., etc. Just warm them in the oven and they're as good as the day they were baked.

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I find the pies are best the day *after* they're baked anyway. They serve more easily and are just plain *better*. Dh swears this was my problem with pies all along -- that I didn't make them the day before (or a minimum of 4-6 hours before eating) and let them cool completely before serving (even if you want to reheat).


For cinnamon rolls, I agree with others. Do everything up to the last step, then put them in the fridge for the final rise over night. Let them come to room temp for an hour before baking.

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