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Which would you choose?

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45 minute commute versus 15 minutes commute is a difference of 30 minutes. That's 1 hour a day. Rough guess, leaving off weekends and holidays - 230 hours a year. Is space to roam worth losing 230 hours a year of time with Dad? That's how I'd decide... It might be different if Dad was the one who really, really wanted more land.

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Thank you all for responding so far. I did want to clarify thought that while the 5 acres in far from my husband's job(45 min commute) it's about 4 minutes from a small town that has a library(a great county library system so we can get any book we just might have to wait a couple of days) a grocery store, and some shops. A bigger town is about 15 minutes away(this is the town we just moved from) and has a large homeschool group with lots of activities. So, basically, my commute for activities would be about 15 minutes. It's my husband's commute that has me worried and concerned. The house we were building also has a homeschooling family that lives next door with children that are the same ages as my boys. So, with that added...which would you choose? (-:


Okay, with this scenario, I'd go with what your dh wants. He's the one who has to drive - how does he feel about the commute? Will it mean that he won't see the dc much? Does he want to spend his weekends tending your land (and *will* he?)

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1/3 acre is not too bad. We just lopked at a suburban home with 1/2 acre and it was plenty big for our 2 children.


As much as I say I want land, I would pick the suburban home. My son is 9 and really needing more time with dad as he moves into puberty. Their relationship is changing and I see my son wanting more 'manly' advice and direction. More than I ever thought about. He craves that time and I would hate for them to lose an hour a day to a commute that could be avoided.


When he was smaller, dh had a 45 minute commute and I essentially became a single parent. He had to leave earlier in the morning and didn't come home until later. It made it difficult for us to attend church functions that began earlier than 7, and then he was so tired from the drive that he didn't want to go. The commute just isn't worth it to me anymore.

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