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LCCers I have a question for you


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you know I don't know if it will be easier, lol. I'm just thinking that doing Alg. I and II with no break would be better. I think Drew said that you do Geo. first because it will help with logical thinking, I will get the book back out and see exactly what it says. I'm not 100% LCC, but i'm headed that way for the younger ones especially.

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One potential problem with geo first is that many geo texts assume basic algebra knowledge. And, to get the benefit of logical training via geometry, you need to be sure to use a proof-heavy geo text. That said, I think that Kiselev's Geometry would work. It is a very well-regarded text used in Russia for over a century, and can be used as early as grade 7. Apparently, though, Russian math introduces the idea of using symbols to stand in for unknown numbers quite early, so Kiselev might assume that. At any rate, there are extensive samples - you can see if it looks like it will work.

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