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Happy Hanukkah! Question on candle burning placement

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Shabbat Shalom!


I researched where to place the candles, but the 2 sources contradict each other....I think.


In addition to the helper candle, one source says to start burning candles right to left and the other says to start left to right......both instances as you "face" the menorah.


Which is it?


I'd appreciate it. Thanks.



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My husband who is Jewish always does it from right to left as you face the menorah.


Facing the menorah, you place the candles from right to left and light them from left to right each night.


What they said!:001_smile:


Here is a great site for stories (depending on the age of your children) and historical information (as we kind of do Chanukah as a Bible History Lesson):




and the Jewish museum (I think it is www.jewishmuseum.com) has useful material as well.


Our story last night focused on the Jewish Army going through their Temple which had been defiled and they were able to find one jug of still sealed, purified oil for the menorah. Our lesson continued to relate the similarities of our being 'sealed' as Christians by the Holy Spirit, the reference to us being 'jars of clay' and the comparison to that phrase and the 'purified jug of oil' the soldiers found in the Temple, and finally, the fact that the soldiers had to sift through filth and the like in their Temple searching for purified oil -- how similar to the time we live in now with so much around us that is not edifying to G-d.


Happy Chanukah! :)

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The good news is...last night you couldn't goof it up :D


Last night my son lit the Chanukiyah, we played some Dreidel (he won), I passed out a little gelt, and read a Chanukah story, which was called "Confused Hanukkah" (which was very funny!).


My wife did mention as an aside that "Confused Hanukkah" was rather an apt book...since we're not Jewish :tongue_smilie:


Place right to left, light left to right.


Bill (what?)

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Bill (Spy Car) and others...thanks. My reasoning last night was correct. I doubted myself as I've not practiced Hanukkah before. But, I've been told and read that you light night 1 on right and alternate. So, earlier tonight I did place the second's night candle on the left.


My daughter asked, "Mom, which candle do I blow out first?" :D As a little smile came on my face I told her it didn't matter. Does it?


Another question: who lights the candles....the husband or the wife?


Thanks for your patience in answering these questions. This Gentile is learning.



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Bill (Spy Car) and others...thanks. My reasoning last night was correct. I doubted myself as I've not practiced Hanukkah before. But, I've been told and read that you light night 1 on right and alternate. So, earlier tonight I did place the second's night candle on the left.


My daughter asked, "Mom, which candle do I blow out first?" :D As a little smile came on my face I told her it didn't matter. Does it?


Um...uh...you can't blow out a Chanukah candle :001_huh:


That's so goyishe :tongue_smilie:


Another question: who lights the candles....the husband or the wife?


Thanks for your patience in answering these questions. This Gentile is learning.



My understanding (as a gentile myself) is the tradition is that the husband lights the Chanukah candles, were the wife lights the Shabbos candles.



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Bill (Spy Car) and others...thanks. My reasoning last night was correct. I doubted myself as I've not practiced Hanukkah before. But, I've been told and read that you light night 1 on right and alternate. So, earlier tonight I did place the second's night candle on the left.


My daughter asked, "Mom, which candle do I blow out first?" :D As a little smile came on my face I told her it didn't matter. Does it?


Another question: who lights the candles....the husband or the wife?


Thanks for your patience in answering these questions. This Gentile is learning.




:001_smile: So is this one, and I've been doing this a very long time. Try this website: http://judaism.about.com/cs/chanukahgeneral/ht/hol_chan_light.htm


I've found alot of stuff there that our family is enjoying;-fyi, I've been doing this since I was a kid and every year I still find new things to do or tweak. I guess one of the most important things is to respect the spirit of the holiday and add things to make the holiday your own! Enjoy!

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Um...uh...you can't blow out a Chanukah candle :001_huh:


That's so goyishe :tongue_smilie:




My understanding (as a gentile myself) is the tradition is that the husband lights the Chanukah candles, were the wife lights the Shabbos candles.






OH, BILL, you are right...I get it now. First night we blew them out because I misinterpreted the "30 min". Now it makes sense, to let them burn a minimum 30 minutes....but longer is fine.


Tonight, it didn't click in me that we should not blow them out! I read/heard to let them burn down, but I "assumed" (yes, I know the pun to the word and I'll accept it :lol:) that we should let them burn "as far as possible". Anyway, thanks again, Bill for enlightening me. We will let them burn themselves out starting Sun/3rd night.


the husband lights the Chanukah candles, were the wife lights the Shabbos candles


Uh oh Bill, I bought Hanukkah (Chanukah) candles. What are Shabbos candles?

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:001_smile: So is this one, and I've been doing this a very long time. Try this website: http://judaism.about.com/cs/chanukahgeneral/ht/hol_chan_light.htm


I've found alot of stuff there that our family is enjoying;-fyi, I've been doing this since I was a kid and every year I still find new things to do or tweak. I guess one of the most important things is to respect the spirit of the holiday and add things to make the holiday your own! Enjoy!



Mariann! Thanks for your replies. I'll study up! Much appreciated.


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OH, BILL, you are right...I get it now. First night we blew them out because I misinterpreted the "30 min". Now it makes sense, to let them burn a minimum 30 minutes....but longer is fine.


Tonight, it didn't click in me that we should not blow them out! I read/heard to let them burn down, but I "assumed" (yes, I know the pun to the word and I'll accept it :lol:) that we should let them burn "as far as possible". Anyway, thanks again, Bill for enlightening me. We will let them burn themselves out starting Sun/3rd night.


Who knew? :D



Uh oh Bill, I bought Hanukkah (Chanukah) candles. What are Shabbos candles?


On Shabbos (aka Shabbat aka the Sabbath) which begins Friday evening women light the Shabbos candles. The Orthodox make sure they light the candles at least 18 minutes before sunset.



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Who knew? :D





On Shabbos (aka Shabbat aka the Sabbath) which begins Friday evening women light the Shabbos candles. The Orthodox make sure they light the candles at least 18 minutes before sunset.





Laurel, the previous post to yours said that Jews light "2" candles on Friday. I did it incorrectly then. I have a 9-candle menorah. I lit the helper candle first. Then taking that candle, I lit the "1" candle on the far right. One and only candle on Friday. Then Sat, we lit th Helper and that lit one on the far right and one on the far left.


What am I doing wrong....:confused:

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Laurel, the previous post to yours said that Jews light "2" candles on Friday. I did it incorrectly then. I have a 9-candle menorah. I lit the helper candle first. Then taking that candle, I lit the "1" candle on the far right. One and only candle on Friday. Then Sat, we lit th Helper and that lit one on the far right and one on the far left.


What am I doing wrong....:confused:


For Shabbos. Not for Chanukah. Two separate deals.


Last night one for Chanukah, plus the shamash candle. Tonight two (plus one) for Chanukah.


Chanukah started on Friday, so people would be lighting Sabbos candles as per usual on Shabbat, plus the Chanukah candles.


You are clear now that the candles are placed right to left (and immediately next to one another) and not right, and then far-left. Right?


And then lit left to right.



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Laurel, the previous post to yours said that Jews light "2" candles on Friday. I did it incorrectly then. I have a 9-candle menorah. I lit the helper candle first. Then taking that candle, I lit the "1" candle on the far right. One and only candle on Friday. Then Sat, we lit th Helper and that lit one on the far right and one on the far left.


What am I doing wrong....:confused:


Nothing. Hanukkah candles and Shabbos candles are two separate things. :001_smile:


Observant Jews light Shabbos candles (traditionally 2 candles) to welcome the sabbath before sundown on Friday. It's a separate observance from lighting the candles of a 9-branched menorah ("chanukiah") during Hanukkah. Hanukkah happened to begin on Shabbos this year, so observant Jews lit the chanukiah and then separately lit the Shabbos candles.

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For Shabbos. Not for Chanukah. Two separate deals.


Last night one for Chanukah, plus the shamash candle. Tonight two (plus one) for Chanukah.


Chanukah started on Friday, so people would be lighting Sabbos candles as per usual on Shabbat, plus the Chanukah candles.


You are clear now that the candles are placed right to left (and immediately next to one another) and not right, and then far-left. Right?


And then lit left to right.







Um....no, I'm not sure now. At this point I am laughing at myself.

Friday night we lit H first and used that to light 8

Saturday (tonight) we lit H first (always) and use that candle to light all others, tonight being 8 then 1 in that order.

Sunday I was plannning (thinking it was right ??) to light H, 8, 1, 7......alternating each day back and forth....outside to inside, right to left.


1 2 3 4 H 5 6 7 8



As you can tell this is our first year celebrating Hanukkah.


We're on the east coast and off to bed now that the Rugelach's are out of the oven. ;) I'll check for your reply tomorrow (Sunday), Bill.


Happy Hanukkah and Shabbat Shalom!

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Sunday I was plannning (thinking it was right ??) to light H, 8, 1, 7......alternating each day back and forth....outside to inside, right to left.


1 2 3 4 H 5 6 7 8





Saturday night (2nd night of Hanukkah), candles should have been in positions 7 and 8. They would then have been lit in that order (7, then 8) using the shamash (H), which is lit first, of course.


Sunday night (3rd night of Hanukkah), you'll put candles in 6, 7, and 8, and light them in that order (6 first, then 7, and 8 last).


Monday night (4th night of Hanukkah), put candles in 5-8, and light them in that order.


Tuesday night (5th night of Hanukkah), put candles in 4-8, and light them in that order.




Each night, you add one additional candle, starting your count from the right side as you face the menorah. Then you light them them from left to right as you face the menorah.


Keep in mind though (if this doesn't complicate things more!) that it doesn't matter which candle actually gets physically inserted into the menorah first, second, third, etc. What matters is that when you add an additional candle each night, you make the addition from right to left with no gaps. So, for example, on night 5, you can insert the candles in this order {6, 7, 4, 5, 8} as long as they are actually in positions {4, 5, 6, 7, 8} and then lit {4, 5, 6, 7, 8}.


Clear as mud? :D


ETA: Think "REPLENISH from RIGHT (to left). LIGHT from LEFT (to right)."

Edited by Trixie
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Um....no, I'm not sure now. At this point I am laughing at myself.

Friday night we lit H first and used that to light 8

Saturday (tonight) we lit H first (always) and use that candle to light all others, tonight being 8 then 1 in that order.

Sunday I was plannning (thinking it was right ??) to light H, 8, 1, 7......alternating each day back and forth....outside to inside, right to left.


1 2 3 4 H 5 6 7 8



As you can tell this is our first year celebrating Hanukkah.


We're on the east coast and off to bed now that the Rugelach's are out of the oven. ;) I'll check for your reply tomorrow (Sunday), Bill.


Happy Hanukkah and Shabbat Shalom!


How many Chanukah candles did you buy? :lol:


Like Trixie said.


First night =1 (plus shamash)

Second night =2 (plus shamash)

Third night = 3 (plus shamash)


And so on.


The final (8th night) there are 8 (plus shamash).


BTW: By tradition one must never use one of the Chanukah candles for any purpose, even lighting another candle. Should a candle go out it can be re-lit with the shamash candle.



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Thanks to EVERYONE who helped me with this. Marianne, I'll get on the info. you suggested asap.


Trixie, You explanation was fabulous. Believe it or not I do understand all of what your wrote. Let me narrate back.


I can physically "place/insert" the candles in any order. But, they must be "lined up" to match the night we're on from right to left and "lit" from left to right. I got, I got it....I'm so excited!:D Thanks!


Bill, whew I got it. My thanks to you! Did you ever doubt I would? ;)

Tonight, my husband will place the candles in....Shamash plus 3 more from right to left and lit S first then the others from left to right. Right? You're a good teacher, Bill. Much appreciated!!!!


Happy Hanukkah!

Blessings to you and your family!



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Thanks to EVERYONE who helped me with this. Marianne, I'll get on the info. you suggested asap.


Trixie, You explanation was fabulous. Believe it or not I do understand all of what your wrote. Let me narrate back.


I can physically "place/insert" the candles in any order. But, they must be "lined up" to match the night we're on from right to left and "lit" from left to right. I got, I got it....I'm so excited!:D Thanks!


Bill, whew I got it. My thanks to you! Did you ever doubt I would? ;)

Tonight, my husband will place the candles in....Shamash plus 3 more from right to left and lit S first then the others from left to right. Right? You're a good teacher, Bill. Much appreciated!!!!


Happy Hanukkah!

Blessings to you and your family!




Have a beautiful Chanukah Sheryl! :001_smile:



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Laurel, the previous post to yours said that Jews light "2" candles on Friday. I did it incorrectly then. I have a 9-candle menorah. I lit the helper candle first. Then taking that candle, I lit the "1" candle on the far right. One and only candle on Friday. Then Sat, we lit th Helper and that lit one on the far right and one on the far left.


What am I doing wrong....:confused:


The helper candle is called the shammus. The other, eight candles are placed in the menorah going across from right to left, one more candle each day of Hanukkah. So tonight, you would have used the shammus to light three candles, placed in a row from right to left. But you would light the candles from left to right. It sounds complicated, but it's not, it's just easier to understand if you actually see it happen, rather than reading a description.


I'm Jewish, so have lighted many a hanukkiah in my day. Doesn't matter which family member does it. It is not at all uncommon to have several menorahs, and kids each light their own candles.


I'm intrigued by the fact that so many Christians light menorahs at Hanukkah. I never knew that. My DH is Christian, DS and I are Jewish. DH doesn't usually even bother to watch when I light the candles.

Michelle T

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Shabbat Shalom!


I researched where to place the candles, but the 2 sources contradict each other....I think.


In addition to the helper candle, one source says to start burning candles right to left and the other says to start left to right......both instances as you "face" the menorah.


Which is it?


I'd appreciate it. Thanks.





Fried foods are traditional at Hanukkah. Potato latkes, mmmmmm! Donuts,mmmmmmm! I hope those of you lighting menorahs are also enjoying these tasty snacks!

Michelle T

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Doesn't matter which family member does it. It is not at all uncommon to have several menorahs, and kids each light their own candles.


Yes, we each light our own in our family, though we have known some very traditional families in which only the father/head of household lights it.


I'm intrigued by the fact that so many Christians light menorahs at Hanukkah.


Me, too, though I'm always glad to see anyone exploring others' cultures and customs in a spirit of genuine understanding, respect, and sharing. :001_smile:

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I am so happy to read this thread, but I have to admit that I don't get it. Maybe I read too fast! I will have to see if it makes sense when we actually try it.




Jinnah, I gleaned from everyone's input. Additionally, re-read the thread and specific posts from these: Spy Car, Trixie and Michelle T. You'll get it!

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