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talk to me about handwriting paper size


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My son used to have quite neat handwriting, for his age that is. But it seems to be getting worse. Not sure if it's because I've slacked off in expecting neatness, of he's getting lazy or what. But what I noticed is that he often makes the printing smaller than the space. So for an O the top and bottom will make quite a gap between the bottom line and mid-line.


He did Seton Handwriting to learn how to form all the letters, but once he new how I just made up things for him to copy and practice each day because he absolutely abhorred doing the same letter over and over.


I'm just wondering how you know which size lines you should use. He's 6 and first grade, but has been writing and doing long copywork selections for a long time. He loves to write his own stories and stuff (actually writing them on his own), so he's not the kind of boy that isn't into handwriting.


Right now we've been using 5/8" wide lines.

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My 1st grade DD (6 years old) is using 1/2 inch lined paper. We were having some of the same issues so I was wondering if we should be going smaller or if it's a question of neatness. Turns out when we went to the smaller lines, she forms the letters correctly.

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