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Need help for ds with lower PSAT scores.

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He's in school and always has been.


He does *not* test well - not standardized tests and not in class tests.


Total score - 136

Math - 55

Reading - 45

Writing - 36


So, how can I help him so that his SAT scores are higher. He doesn't need scholarship money because his Dad has worked at Duke University for years and will receive their Children's Tuition Grant (roughly $30,000 a year towards tuition only.) This is a now discontinued program, BTW.;)


He just needs better scores so he can get in! Any ideas?


ETA: Duke will pay that to any school in the country.

Edited by Renee in FL
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One thing to do is to have him try the ACT. Some kids do much better on that test than on the SAT. When we were deciding whether to have ds take the ACT or SAT, we borrowed an ACT prep book from the library that contained sample tests and had him take a few.




We are definitely planning to do that. Maybe I should have him take a few practice ACT tests when he is here at Christmas.

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I would sign him up for the SAT online course (no, we haven't used it) but for some reason having an online course that leads you step by step has been appealing to several of my friends' sons, where working through the Blue Book was not. It isn't that expensive ($70). Yes, he can print and take all the practice tests, and it will score them for him, including the essays. All the practice tests in the online course are different from those in the CB Blue Book, as well.


Dd and I have found out that a student really can learn to take the test better, and if your ex can convince him to do the work, he *can* make the score.


Best wishes!

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I would sign him up for the SAT online course (no, we haven't used it) but for some reason having an online course that leads you step by step has been appealing to several of my friends' sons, where working through the Blue Book was not. It isn't that expensive ($70). Yes, he can print and take all the practice tests, and it will score them for him, including the essays. All the practice tests in the online course are different from those in the CB Blue Book, as well.


Dd and I have found out that a student really can learn to take the test better, and if your ex can convince him to do the work, he *can* make the score.


Best wishes!


Well, his Dad thinks his scores are phenomenal since the average Duke admitted SAT score is in the 1400 range. Of course, I know this is Reading and Math only, but no one can convince him of that.:glare:


He has to take the ACT on the sly because his Dad has "never heard of it" and doesn't think ds should waste his time on it.:tongue_smilie:


I do think he could bring up his scores with prep. What online SAT prep are you recommending?


Actually, I just looked at one of the colleges he is looking at and his PSAT scores beat their SAT minimums. He's kicking himself for not taking AP US History this year, but he got in trouble for taking Honors Geometry last year, so he didn't ask (his Dad thinks he shouldn't take classes that might be too hard because they'll bring his grades down - my ds had to convince him about weighted grades and such.)


Ugghhh. This was one of the big cons of leaving him in NC!;)

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