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How long before a puppy won't need to go out in the middle of the night?

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Puppy will be 12 weeks tomorrow and we are still setting the alarm(because we can't hear him if he whines) to take him out. We have been stretching the times- last night we pushed it off to 4:30, but it seems like he should be able to go all night, no? We don't want to take any chances of him having an accident in his crate, because he has done really well in the crate.

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He is too young - poor thing needs to be let out for another month or so. Would you expect a human baby to keep a diaper dry all night at 12 weeks? Our lab was about 6 months old when he stopped needing out - still had to let him out 11pm and 6 am. Kept him in his crate, too, so he would be less likely to piddle in the house.

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We adopted a 'terrier mix' that the vet thought was about 16 weeks when we got her. She has been sleeping until 5:30-6:00 since we got her, that is when we get up so we consider that all night. We take up her water at about 7pm, take her out about 9pm and put her in her crate between 9-10.


I bet your baby will be sleeping through the night very soon.:)

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I'd say at least another 4 weeks, maybe 6weeks or longer depending on the breed and size of dog. We didn't bring our Shelties home until they were 10wks and 13wks. Even at 13wks I was taking him out twice at night.


As adults my dogs wake me up every morning at 7:30 no matter what time they went out last, which is usually sometime between 11-12. They are better then an alarm clock! I think it's more their tummy's waking them then needing to go out though!

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Our almost 13 week old German Shep is in her crate about 10:00 pm until 6:00 am or so. (Often we will take her out for a quick potty run before we go to bed.) She was whining to pee at 4:30 am or so, and would go when we took her out. Lately, she is quiet until later but her crate cushion will be wet. She doesn't poop in there any more at all. This week I have noticed much better bladder control during the day. I think if we hang in there, we will be turning the corner soon! :party:


We also stop all liquids after her evening meal.


Btw, what possessed us to get a puppy during the holidays? :confused: Just wonderin'.... ;)

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