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Prayer Request for MIL

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My mother in-law is is surgery right now for a double mastectomy. The prognosis is very good - the cancer was caught very early and is very localized. But, surgery in and of itself is a dangerous thing, especially for a woman in her mid-70's.


Please pray for a successful surgery and easy recovery.


Also, please pray that my husband and sil can convince my mil to hire a home health nurse to take care of my fil's personal hygiene (ie bathing). FIL is disabled physically and somewhat mentally, and refuses to have a female do his bath. They have arranged for a family friend to come and do it (he is also pushing 80). MIL thinks that she will be able to do the task herself in a week or so. Total madness, I think. She is restricted from lifting for the next 4-6 weeks.


Thanks so much!

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