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Things You Think of From Growing Up (Fun Thread)

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I remembered a few other things and then I'll stop. :)


The silver dollars our gf used to give us when it was time to travel back to SC. The kind with the lady with the flowing dress and hair. But of course we always spent them.


The cigar boxes he gave us to store our treasures in.


Drive-ins. Where we used to play in the playground below the giant screen ... in our pajamas ... until the movie started.


Halloween. My all-time favorite holiday, for a few reasons. We got to stay up past bedtime; go outside at night (rare for us); all the candy we could eat; and, best of all, my father always took us around to trick-or-treat. My father came from a generation of men who thought their biggest contribution to rearing their dc was their paycheck. So it was wonderful to see all the dads on that one magical night and listen to dad conversations vs the mom conversations I heard the other 364 days of the year.


And, finally, snow. Snow in the South is magical. Not like up North where it's viewed as "being dumped on", to quote a native NH girl. Everything comes to a complete and utter standstill for that one magical day (or 2 if you're lucky). No school, no traffic, nothing. Most of the businesses were even closed. And, speaking of snow, I have more photos. This is the snowfal we had yesterday, which is almost all gone today. Kind of like manna from heaven to us. The End.

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· Banana seat bikes

o Putting cards on the spokes so they made a cool noise

· Creating game shows for friends with my sister

o Getting in trouble with my mom as she saw people leave with her things as ‘prizes.’

· Going to the library, looking up books in the card catalog, and getting the next Little House on the Prairie book to read

· Rainbow toe socks, Painter’s pants, clogs, platform shoes

· “feathered†bangs and shag haircuts

· Love’s Baby Soft, Noxzema, Bonne Bell Lip Smackers

· Penny Candy

· Sticker and autograph books

· Penpals

· Eating in our car at the root beer stand (with the tray on the window)

· Playing dodgeball and kick the can with the neighborhood kids in the evening

· Pet rocks, Mood rings

· Brady Bunch, Partridge Family, Gilligan’s Island, The Osmonds, Land of the Lost

· Renting a huge VCR player and getting to pick out two movies

· Overnight Lock-ins at the church

· Spirographs, string art, macrame


So many fun memories!

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*watching Mister Rogers, Little House on the Prairie, Wild Kingdom. . .

*slap bracelets, jelly bracelets, banana clips

*Rainbow Brite, My Little Pony, Strawberry Shortcake

*actually writing letters to people (not emails)

*a corded phone

*listening to books on *record*

*jelly shoes

*roller skating youth activities (church-related)

*riding my bike with no helmet

*not wearing seatbelts in the car (forget carseats!!)

*getting my first tape player

*wearing barrettes w/ ribbons on them


Wow, I'm really dating myself. . . LOL (can you tell I grew up in the 80's?)


Those are all memories that I have too. We must have been born around the same time.

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