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this morning

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I know there probably won't be many of you on this board today, but I thought I would ask those of you who are here...my daughter is still sick. Last night at about 7:30 (after lying on the couch for nearly 12 hours with no symptoms other than a tummy ache and no appetite) she started getting sick. Obviously she didn't have anything in her tummy so when she got sick (sorry I know this is gross) she would throw up green (that's bile, right?). She only got sick about 4-5 times. So this is my question is this the stomach flu...or could something else be going on? One thing we are considering is constipation...would that cause her to vomit 4-5 times? Usually with the stomach flu our kids get sick every hours or more...and she didn't do that. So I don't know what to think...any ideas??





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How old is your daughter?

And what would make you think constipation?

The constipation part of your post raised a red flag. If you think her stomach issues are at all related to a bowel problem- you need to call the doctor asap or take her to the ER.

Serious intestinal problems can cause vomiting.

I don't mean to be scary- but it can be very serious.


I hope she is feeling better and it is just a virus!



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What makes me think it might be constipation is that last Saturday, about 10ish she started complaining of a tummy ache...she sat by the toilet for about 20 minutes and then decided that she needed to go. She went..and then about 2 hours later she started feeling better, ate lunch and went out to play with her brothers. She was fine after that, until yesterday morning. The fact that she laid around for nearly 12 hours before getting sick and that she only threw up 4 times last night...usually my kids throw up every hour or so at first...and it comes on quickly. Do you guys think that past history with prior flu bugs isn't consistant with how their body normally would act?? However, she is also an award winning drama queen and so it is also hard to know just how badly she REALLY feels. UGH! Thanks for all of the replies.



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