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Guitar Recommendations for 8 y-old

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DH had an acoustic guitar as a child and tried lessons, but hated it.

Flash forward 40 years.

DS started asking for a guitar and lessons. But DS wanted an electric guitar! :tongue_smilie: (DH wanted him to get an acoustic guitar; I wanted violin!) We caved. In retrospect, probably a good move. The electric guitar is slimmer and more rounded than an acoustic guitar and easier for a younger child to hold.

I don't know which one you are looking at - but DS (almost 8) has an Ibanez (3/4 or junior) with a Fender amp. I would recommend the Ibanez, based off DS's experience.


No help with a book. We went with a music teacher. :D DS is already beyond what I can help him with.

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Here is the book my ds' guitar instructor wrote, and uses to teach his students. It's fabulous, as is the instructor, Paul Henry. You can google him to hear some of his recordings and see his other books. I cannot recommend his materials highly enough.



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We just picked up the 30" acoustic guitar from rainbow resource with the case and strap and pick. They also sell beginner books. We got Alfreds. DD is 5yo, so your DS may need the bigger one they sell. The 30" was $36 and the bigger one was around $45. It seems decent for a first try of a guitar. Obviously if she gets really into it we would later get something better, but no sense in blowing money one it right now!

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