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Sophie the Vet: any advice?

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We're moving from CA to VA in January. I've heard too many horror stories about flying animals on planes.


If worse comes to worst dh will drive Ollie in the van back east.


Any better ideas? I was hoping a pet airline existed and there are a couple but I can't tell if they're any good or not.


Thank you!!




p.s Ollie is 10 and mellow at this point (for a Lab)

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Not Sophie, but make sure you have the food you usually have him eat. Take a record of his shots. Make sure his collar fits with your cell number on his tags. (or two numbers if you can) It's great that it's in the winter and not the summer.... no worries about it being too hot. We travel with ours in a crate. That may be more of a personal preference. Maybe some toys for him? Has he traveled before? Is he ok in a car around town? We've traveled with our dog for long trips before, and it's been no problem. Heck, we traveled from Texas to Oregon with a crazy cat.... Just being prepared can make it easy. I actually prefer to travel with my dog... more than without.


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Not Sophie but we have flown back and forth to HI with a dog (and back again). We went to the airline websites for each airline and then called to find out which could accommodate our dog (XL kennels do not fit on certain planes). We chose Delta and they were wonderful. They were very good about coming back to notify us that she made each connection and asked if we wanted to be escorted down to check her at our second layover in LA.

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We went from San Diego to North Carolina with a dog and a cat loose in the car. The cat would have NONE of the crate, and cuddled up to the dog the whole way. He didnt enjoy it, but the dog did. I brough vet releases (no one cared to even look at them) and stayed at pet friendly hotels. It was great. I know our animals would have been frightened out of their minds alone on a plane.

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