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Hands off science(meaning teacher)


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This sounds so bad but I have to be honest-I really don't like teaching science and it usually ends up on the backburner. But, the kids love it.

Is there some sort of video/computer based science program with minimal teacher involvement on my part? I can get things ready for experiments if needed but as far as teaching and testing-I need someone else to do it.

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What age/grade range?


My girls both used K12 science independently, starting in about 4th or 5th grade, with me just helping to supervise their experiments and talk with them about what they were learning. But they were also both excellent readers. My current 3rd grader loves science, but needs me to read the material, talk about it and take dictation because he can't write everything he wants to say yet.

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We've been doing NOEO Biology II. Until recently, I had been reading the selection for the day and then having B & T take notes. Science was also not getting done as regularly as I had hoped. I tried having them read the selection themselves & take notes, and it's working out well. I still plan to supervise experiments when we get to them.

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My daughter (age 11) uses NOEO Physics Level 2 completely independently, and in fact, does a better job than if I were to do it with her. She loves it, is learning a lot, and I'm delighted with the science that is finally getting done around here.


In fact, not only will I buy another Level II set for her next year (Chemistry), I will buy a Level one for her younger sister. I'll be more involved with the Level 1 student, but it's done in such manageable chunks daily that I'm actually looking forward to it!





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