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Do you personally know a DH who became a better DH as a result of his DW's nagging?

Do you know a DH or DW or ___ who became a better spouse due to spouse's nagging?  

  1. 1. Do you know a DH or DW or ___ who became a better spouse due to spouse's nagging?

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Peri, I'm not sure there isn't anything you can do to make someone a better person. Inspiration is a big gray area. But I would feel pretty icky if someone set out to make me a better person, and I wouldn't do that to anyone else.


I also figure it's better to do it myself, or employ another strategy that doesn't involve him, than try to get my partner to do it. A silent no is still a no.



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My mil is the Queen of Nagging. You'll just have to trust me that there are few that could hold a candle to her ability to nag.


The most amazing thing though: my fil is a fantastic person, fantastic husband, fantastic father, IN SPITE of her nagging. In my estimation he's a saint.


Normally, I would say nagging could have the opposite result.

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I am the spouse that gets nagged. My DH is the nagger. It makes me feel disrespected and unloved and makes me angry. I am doing the best I can. I am not stupid and don't need him to tell me what to do. I don't need him to "motivate" me. I do what I can when I can. His nagging cannot make me miraculously have more compliant kids, more energy, more time... etc.


Carmen, :grouphug:. We've had some fun on this thread, but nagging is no laughing matter. I am so sorry. No one should ever be made to feel disrespected, unloved, or stupid in a marriage. No one. I know you have a committed, Christian marriage but there are posts that make me want to hop in my mini-van and come have a polite conversation with your man. Aren't you grateful for the anonymity of the internet? However, if one day, you find a mini-van in your driveway with "Born to Be Wild" blaring from the windows, you'll know I've found you.:D


I wish I had the magic answer to make it stop, but I don't. Your posts show you to be a bright, warm, loving, and insightful person. Hold on to that. And thank you for once again showing us with the power of words to be careful of how we use our words in our own relationships.

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I don't nag. I either do it myself (and therefor my way and he can STFU and not complain about it) or don't do it at all (and he can STFU if he's unhappy that it wasn't done). I'll ask. I'll ask a second time. I'll remind one more time. After that, too bad, so sad. Wash your own undies.

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What kind of nagging are we talking about? If its the kind of nagging that goes like this:


"Would you mind picking up your clothes and putting them in the laundry? That'd be great. Thanks!"


and then...


"Would you please pick up your clothes? I'm washing today. Thanks!"


and then...


"Hey, I'm doing laundry today. All dirty clothes in the bags!"


and then...


"Seriously. If you want clean clothes for free, put them where they need to be."


and then...


"%^&$#@!!! Pick up your &^^%$$ clothes or I swear I'll start them on fire!"


That kind of nagging?


No. That doesn't work.


Or so I'm told.


oh I needed that, lol

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