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In what grade did you add Greek to your Latin studies?


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I will want to add Greek to our Latin studies, but I'm not sure when. My ds will be going into 3rd in the fall and is a very good student, reading and spelling well above grade level. He will be starting LC I after finishing PL this year. (Just wanted to tell you where we are at, if that makes a difference!) I don't think next year is the year to start b/c we will be starting a formal writing program for the first time, and our Latin studies will be increasing with LC I. I just want to have a plan in mind for the coming years. :)

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I am following the LCC advice to start Greek 2 years after starting Latin. For us that means that after strarting with LCI in 4th grade, we will start with Greek next year in 6th grade with my oldest ds. He has a good handle on Latin now so I think he will be fine to start Greek next year. I will start my 2nd ds the following year after he completes his second year of Latin.

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We will have been going very slowly through a false start with Matin Latin and then Lively Latin for almost two years, when I start doing Greek every day in July. We started Latin when he turned six and was already reading on an upper elementary level, and he will be eight when we start Greek. It really has less to do with the amount of years or his age and more to do with how grounded in Latin he feels. (Back when I was planning, I thought he'd finish LL in a year. Or at least two years. Never did I imagine we'd still be plugging away on Vol I when Vol II came out. Kids :shrug: ) I knew it was time to start Greek because my kiddo had a grip on how this language works; he no longer felt that Latin's weird and foreign.

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I started my oldest son in LFC in 2nd grade. We did some very simple Greek (Hey Andrew Levels 1 and 2) when he was in 3rd grade. This year we started Elementary Greek 1 with ds in 4th grade and dd in 2nd grade. I am planning on starting Latin with dd when she is in 4th grade after 2 years of Greek. My originaly plan was I'd then start next son in Latin with her when he was in 2nd grade, but I don't think that's going to happen because I can't imagine him being ready for it by then. (He's in K now) We'll see though. He might surprise me.

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We start Latin in the 3rd or 4th grade (when they no longer need any phonics). It looks like all the children will be starting Greek in the 5th grade. My oldest started this year with Elementary Greek after 2 years of Latin, and my 2nd will begin Hey Andrew level 2 next year after 1 year of Latin.

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We did PL the 2nd have of third grade and LCI in fourth grade. This year, fifth grade, we are doing LCII (just finished) and Elementary Greek.


Is that right? or did I start PL in second grade and worked through LCI and LCII slower and am just now finishing up? That seems like a long time, but the way I wrote it first sounds like we flew through it. Hmmm... I'll have to check my records.


My plan with A is to start Greek after LCI. So probably 4th grade or so. Have you seen EG? I'll bring it to mom's night out sometime.

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Hey Jean,


Did you get my email today? I asked you about Greek! :) I would love to see Elementary Greek on a Mom's night sometime!


Edited to add:


Are you sure you're not coming tonight?? It's gonna be a lot of fun (said in a sing-song voice)!

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I started my oldest on in Latin in 3rd grade, and my second son, at the same time, in 1st grade. (I wouldn't normally advocate starting Latin that early, and I doubt I will do the same with my next two kids, but we were doing Prima, my then 2nd grader was already reading, and really ready for it.)


My oldest struggles with Latin, and we've tried different programs before finding one that seems to be the best fit for him. As a result, even though he started Latin in 3rd grade, he is just finishing up Galore Park's Latin Prep I at the end of 6th grade. However, boy does he ever know his first year Latin well, now :)


We have just started Greek, at the end of their 6th and 4th grades, respectively.


So anyway, we did three years of Latin before starting Greek. If you don't mess around like we did, I think two years is a good adding point. My plan with my next two kids is to start them in Latin in 3rd grade, and add in Greek in 5th.

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