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Memory work: Favourite fun (and perhaps somewhat naughty) poems


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I've recently stepped up DD the Elder's memory work (thanks to whomever made that suggestion for a brain filler), and she's begging for more. Our deal is one "fun" poem for each "classic poem" (Lewis Carroll and Edward Lear count in both categories).


She's learned much of Der Struwwelpeter and Cautionary Tales for Children, we've got Dahl's Revolting Rhymes and Dirty Beasts ready to go, and I pulled down my Robert Service ("Ballad of the Ice Worm Cocktail," "The Cremation of Sam McGee," etc.) yesterday. She appreciates nothing more than a clever turn of phrase or an unexpected rhyme... and something with a bit of a wicked twist.


I'd appreciate any suggestions for more. :) Poetry, verse, doggerel (within reason)... all is welcome.

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My kids love Edward Gorey.
Thanks, I pulled out my Amphigorys... and some Shapiro translated La Fontaine too. We won't do the La Fontaine's Bawdy (at least not yet), but some of the fables are quite fun.
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