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What documentation do you keep re: the for sale boards and

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for how long? Emails? Receipts? Do you keep a list of transactions (& how detailed)?


How long do you wait after purchasing something to contact the buyer if nothing has been received?


E-mails I keep until I'm sure they've received the curriculum, plus about two or three more weeks in case they decide to contact me about something. (This has never happened, but I'm a little anal that way. :D) I always purchase Delivery Confirmation, so I know that they've received the item(s).


My Paypal account is my list of transactions. Long ago, I tried to keep a manual list but that got too time consuming.


If I've paid and haven't received my order in two weeks, I usually send a friendly inquiry. Nothing has ever taken much longer than two weeks, even Media Mail.

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I don't keep any documentation. I do keep the e-mails in my in-box while the transaction is still outstanding, but once I've either received what I bought or mailed what I sold, I delete everything and move on.


Once I've mailed something I'm selling, or received what I purchased, I delete emails.

Michelle T

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for how long? Emails? Receipts? Do you keep a list of transactions (& how detailed)?


How long do you wait after purchasing something to contact the buyer if nothing has been received?


I keep all emails until I hear from the buyer the item was received in satisfactory condition.


I try to remember to state in either my listing or the email to the buyer that payment is to be received within 10 days. Then I will pop them an email to ask about payment and if I haven't heard from them in 48 hours or so I will go to the next person in line. When I'm in selling mode, I want it out of my house ASAP :)

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