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Math scheduling question


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My ds is currently doing Saxon 8/7. It takes him 2 hours + to do the lesson, lesson practice, 15 review questions and a fact sheet. Yes, he understands the work. No, it's not too difficult for him. He moves s-l-o-w-l-y . We are often stunned and amazed at his performance in the pool. It is in sharp contrast to the rest of his life which is conducted at a snail's pace. We do math first thing in the morning after a short read-aloud. I am tired of math blowing the pace of the rest of the day. I have used a timer and he can go much faster. He can't stand to not finish it all at one sitting. I am considering having him do math from 1:30pm until he's finished. That makes it the last subject of the day. He gets an hour of school time and the rest is his own time. He can be as slow as he wants to be. No, this doesn't solve the problem of standardized testing; however, he always finishes with time to spare and a high score when he takes them. Any reasons for not going ahead with this plan? Or do you have alternate suggestions. His older brother moves at the speed of light. Teaching math to both of them back-to-back leaves me feeling slightly schizophrenic:tongue_smilie:.

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I would not be keen to make it later in the day because i find in our family we are sharp first thing and as the day goes on we are not as good, me included. I'd be inclined to keep it at the sharp end of the day.


What about doing the teaching part and then saying you have x amount of time before we move on to whatever comes next and if you are not done it will be 'homework'. You could then have him do the balance later in the day. I know you said he likes to do it all in one sitting, perhaps this would be the motivation to get a move on. He can do it all in the time you allow but he doesn't currently because he is a slow poke splitting it which he wont like might motivate him to be done???

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My dd was the same way with Saxon. She generally works slowly anyway, but combined with Saxon, it took FOREVER!! I tried several things...I split lessons over 2 days, including Saturday, so she finished 3 lessons per week...I did as many problems as possible orally with her and then chose only some of the remaining problems for her to do independently. Finally, I just ditched Saxon for Singapore, which has been the best decision!! However, I doubt that's something you want to do at this level. My dd was in the middle of Saxon 65 at the time.

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Personally, I think it's a great plan. :D There's no law that math must be first thing in the morning, although it's ideal because most people can focus better in the morning. What does your son think of doing math last? My older 3 often have firm ideas on what order they wish to complete their subjects, and I've faced rebellion in the rank if I try to enforce a specific order for schoolwork to be completed. :lol:

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Personally, I think it's a great plan. :D

:iagree:I'd move it to last so it inconveniences him more than you.

My older 3 often have firm ideas on what order they wish to complete their subjects, and I've faced rebellion in the rank if I try to enforce a specific order for schoolwork to be completed. :lol:

At least I know I'm not alone.... :lol: My oldest definately her own rhythm worked out.

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