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Memory problems, math/science and college

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Okay I am trying to figure out what to do with my middle. She isn't stupid at all but she does have memory difficulties. She does good work in debate and in writing papers. SHe has very good common sense and analytical skills. What she isn't strong with is some types of math. For whatever reason- absolute values are a stumbling block. Graphing is another one. SO she did a practice ACT the other day and she scored very respectably in reading and writing (28 in each) but poorly in math and science (18 and 19). I am trying to really work with her to improve those skills but it seems like she remembers one day and forgets a few days later. For whatever reason, she remembers some other types of things very well- songs and music, plot lines or story lines, and some other strange things. But her memory for things like science vocabulary, foreign languages, and some math skills is very shaky. What I think will basically happen after I prep her enough is that she will score about average in math and science (or just math on the SAT) but score well on the reading and English portions. WHat types of colleges do I look for? Her perseverance, work ethic, and genuine curiousity mean that colleges that might be actually like her SAT or ACT average may not be suitable if many students are just all around middling performers. Her performance in classes is always one of the best and her GPA is high (not so much my classes but she hasn't received anything other than an A in outside classes where A;s were earned, not handed out).

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Small liberal arts colleges will love her! I teach at a small college in the midwest and they actively recruit homeschoolers. Regardless of the school's ACT requirements you can always get in based on interviews. There are always exceptions to the rules.


About the memory--have you tried putting the vocabulary etc to music? It may make things stick. My daughter has trouble memorizing things that essentially have no meaning for her, but she can name all the countries in Europe after listening to Geography Songs :)



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