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Extra credit assignment

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I just administered a test for my Great Books class (7 kids) and had the following grade dispersion: 100, 84, 82, 74, 73, 64, 63. There were a few points of extra credit given on the test and all students received some extra credit.


The kids in the 70's and below are asking to do some sort of extra credit in order to bring their grades up. I don't want to overburden them with a long essay paper because they have a lot of other courses (some concurrent at university) that need their attention.


So...if you were going to offer some extra credit, what would you assign?


BTW, the test was over the following works: The Law, Democracy in America (selected sections), Federalist Papers, selection of Ben Franklin writings, and some lecture on the French Revolution. Can you think of anything that would not be overwhelming, but worthy of extra credit?

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Here are some extra credit assignments I've offered in the past:


-a detailed timeline of the period (i.e - events of French Rev.)

-a book review of a relevant literary piece

-a movie review of a pertinent movie (for this time period, I had the movie "A More Perfect Union" - about the constitutional convention)

- an oral report and/or power point about a pertinent person - i.e. Franklin, Tocqueville, Hamilton, Madison, or Jay.


I'm sure there are other ideas. I'll get back to you if I think of any more.




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Seeing Franklin on the list, I'll suggest having the kids design and write a broadside. They could "report" on some event which you had previously studied and then offer an opinion piece to sway the reader on that or a related issue.


This would be less time consuming than a research paper and offer an opportunity to backtrack over material previously visited, yet hopefully be a tad more fun!



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This sounds like a good possibility. Can you define "broadside" for me? They really enjoyed Ben Franklins writings once they understood the satire. I'd love to explore more writings of that type.



Broadsides were tabloid newspapers of previous times. I believe that they were usually a single sided sheet with the "news" and opinions. Here is something on broadsides from the Library of Congress.

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