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Questions about MCT's Caesar's English


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I had never heard of the program until a few days ago on this board! I love this board!


I have been looking at Caesar's English and Building Language. Do they work together? Is Building Language a prerequisite for Caesar's English? Or are they two separate programs?


I have been looking at the pdf samples and I think my kids would enjoy the program and learn a lot (heck, I'd learn a lot!). So any input would be greatly appreciated.



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Building Language is the book the level before CE I.


So it is not that they work "together" it is that they build on each other. Building Language has been my least favorite of all the MCT materials, but that is for a weird reason.... we teach Italian and it has Spanish in it, so I had to retranslate stuff. The kids liked it though.


It depends on what level your kids are. BL is very simple, elegant and low stress. CE I (my fave) is cranked up quite a bit... I would respect it's starting level of gifted 4th/ regular 5th... but I think it can also be used for higher grades easily. It depends on a lot. I think it is possible to skip BL, but it would be ideal to do it quickly then move on to CE I.


Whatever way you go is good, but just know they are not written to be used together, but in an order. Don't forget ONLY GET THE TMs (practice books are the only ones you need both for).


Good luck!

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Thank you Korin! One more question. Are you saying that I only need the TMs and teach from them instead of using the student books? I hadn't realized that! I actually prefer teaching like that!


Yes, this is true. Except for the grammar practice workbooks (if you decided to use the whole program & not just vocab), you only need the TMs.

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Yes, TMs only for the Island, Town and Voyage series... but you need BOTH student and teacher for the practice books.


The TM is the SB with little suggestions on the pages necessary and a teacher section at the back with tests, answers and other goodies. The "tidbits" on the actual pages do not disrupt the student at all.


RFWP themselves suggest only buying the TM for HSers.


However, for the sake of other people, the higher level books (magic lens, word within the word) need both student book and home instructor's manual (different than a TM, and cheaper).


There is also a yahoo group for MCT users that Michael frequently comments on.

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