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Sometimes being the little sister stinks...

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We are packing up to go to Grandma's for Thanksgiving, and I had some surprises for the girls - new cords for both girls, plus a new fuzzy sweatshirt for PDG. LLL got the pink fuzzy sweatshirt hand-me down from PDG. BIG TEARS (she's nearly 4, and this stuff is starting to bother her - she's starting to really understand).


I feel badly for her. We pass everything down from PDG to LLL as I know is common, financially responsible and NORMAL. But I still feel badly. That's all.

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I started to sell just enough of older dcs stuff to be able to buy one or two new things for younger ds, to take the burn off hand-me-downs. Just an idea.


My mom used to send my big sister's close off to a friend and that friend would send me her daughter's hand-me-downs (meaning I ironically ended up with a lot of big sis's clothes, but also things that really were new to me ;) ).



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You know, I always got my sister's hand-me-downs too, and I hated it. But my parents were very poor, so it didn't really matter; clothes were clothes, you know?


But my boys are so different. Moose LOVES wearing Zee's old clothes. And I have a nephew that's just a week older than Zee, so Moose wears some of his old things, too. And Zee even loves wearing old things from dss. They think it's neat to have things that used to belong to their big brother or a favorite cousin.


Maybe it's in the presentation? I dunno. I always tell them all excitedly that now they get to wear big brother's shirt. They love it. I wonder why I hated wearing my sister's clothes so much. I remember her things she passed down to me being in bad shape; maybe that's the difference. I don't pass things down with holes or stains or whatever. Just things that still are in decent shape. But really, I can't see the boys caring either way. Maybe it's a more foundational thing than that. Maybe since I went to public school, it was more embarassing for me to not have 'cool' clothes. Sheesh, my two little boys have no idea what clothes are 'cool' anyway. They just like something because big brother used to have it.


Hmm. Interesting thoughts...

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So big sis got a new gift and little sis got a used sweater as a gift? or just didn't get a second gift because she already had the hand-me-down?


I'm a little sister so if I may offer an opinion on a better way to deal with this kind of thing.......


The new sweater for big sis shouldn't be given as a gift. It is something she needs and therefore gets. If anyway possible she happens to get this item at the same time that little sis also gets some needed clothing item (some things can't get passed down so she still needs a few things, right?).


If you really want it to be a gift then the same basic thing applies. You give it as a gift, but little sis also gets some needed item of clothing as a gift. My mom would buy us socks and wrap them to make this work out sometimes!


Even though my big sister was/ is stylish and "cool" I wanted a few things that I choose. If someone had tried to pass off her old clothes as "gifts", well, I would have been less than thrilled.:glare:



AAARGH, DID I HANDLE THIS ONE WRONG! I should NEVER have couched these items as "surprises". Problem is, everything I buy, I buy online. The UPS truck comes, brown box drops at the door. WHEEEEEE! It's OPEN THE BOX time! I shouldn't snuck the stuff into their luggage.

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My girls are two years apart so most stuff goes from the older girl's dresser into a bin in the closet then into the younger girl's dresser. I have started a bin in the closet for the older as well and now anything I pick up for her goes in the bin (I like to grab stuff I know she will need as I see it). Now most new clothes come from the closet so the little one isn't jealous. (They also each get a twice yearly shopping date with me to pick out a few items they really want.)

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