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S/O Stitches in foot thread

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So, the stitches went in Sunday. My husband expect school to be held as usual. But my son needs to lay on the couch with his foot elevated and iced to help prevent swelling. So, no school at the kitchen table. We are getting ready for his 8th birthday party Saturday, and I'm already behind because of the emergency. So, the question is, how much school would you do under the circimstances? Just the basics until next week? None? My son is good about laying around until the afternoon. It's hard to keep an almost-eight-year-old down for long. He just wants to build and build and build with Legos. Should I allow it for this week?


I don't want to overload him because he is supposed to concentrate on recovering, but I also don't want him to get behind.

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How about he spend the morning reading a history or science or biography type book. In the afternoon he can do the legos (which is educational in many ways).


We school year round so that when days/weeks like this come up we don't have to stress over not doing "enough" schooltime. So keep in mind that you can always make up a day or two by simply increasing your school time by 30-60 minutes a day for a week or two. Even if your state requires attendance you should be able to make it up at a later time....I mean what if he were hospitalized with his injury, obviously doing school there wouldn't work.


If adding time to a different week doesn't work because he can't sit still for that much longer, then just tack these missed days on to the end of your school year. I believe that's what happens on the East Coast when they close the schools for snow days.


Happy Birthday to your son! And hope the foot gets better fast.

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Thanks! We saw the dr today for a followup appointment and he's healing well. Stitches come out next Wednesday, and we plan to do some school tomorrow. Illinois has almost no homeschooling requirements so I'm not worried about that, and he is accelerated so he won't fall behind. I'm just freaky.

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Thanks! We saw the dr today for a followup appointment and he's healing well. Stitches come out next Wednesday, and we plan to do some school tomorrow. Illinois has almost no homeschooling requirements so I'm not worried about that, and he is accelerated so he won't fall behind. I'm just freaky.



Glad to hear he's doing well!


And yeah, it is a bit freaky the first time you play hooky from homeshcooling.....but once you realize that the roof didn't fall in on you, the homeschool police don't show up at the front door, and your son didn't forget everything he's ever learned.....it's very liberating and exciting to see the possibilities open up to take his education seriously, but to be open to injecting it with out of the box ideas when the opportunity arises. When I think back on all the community events, friends in need, mental health days, it's-gorgeous-weather, and other times that we have skipped formal school to do something else, I realize that our homeschool days would be much less rich, much less diversified, and much more mundane without them! Throw in a couple of good deeds and life-lessons and well, it's a major reason to homeschool!

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At his age, I wouldn't do a whole lot. Cuddle up and read to him - history, science, literature. Math facts practice maybe. Have him read aloud. Memory work. I don't think I'd have him do much writing. At that age, they need to focus on doing it correctly and carefully. Can't do that very easily on the couch.


Glad to hear he's mending!!

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