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I have a crush on Dana Mosely...

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If he were my math teacher, I would have paid more attention in class.


I have a few hours to myself (kids stayed over friends house, dh at work) and I'm watching Dana Mosely's Algebra DVDs (inexpensive Houghton-Mifflin versions). He is such an excellent instructor and I love how he talks about the "whys" behind algorithms, reminds the students the importance of writing out each step of the problem, and going over common mistakes.


My oldest will be starting this in late Jan/early Feb. I'm so excited for him!!



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If he were my math teacher' date=' I would have paid more attention in class.


I have a few hours to myself (kids stayed over friends house, dh at work) and I'm watching Dana Mosely's Algebra DVDs (inexpensive Houghton-Mifflin versions). He is such an excellent instructor and I love how he talks about the "whys" behind algorithms, reminds the students the importance of writing out each step of the problem, and going over common mistakes.


My oldest will be starting this in late Jan/early Feb. I'm so excited for him!!




A whole afternoon all to herself and how does she spend it?;)

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I wouldn't say I have a crush on Steve Demme, but I feel very similar. I think had he been my math teacher in school I would have been a total math nerd. My poor husband (who before we found MUS thought he was going to have to teach math, in addition to his other jobs)has to listen to "Why were we never taught that way?!" and, "I learned something!!" very frequently.

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I love the demos! Can you direct me to a source for the cheaper videos?


Here's a link



Here's my post about what I purchased (The Combined Text) and where I purchased them.






Edited by NicksMama-Zack's Mama Too
found the missing link...haha
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I wouldn't say I have a crush on Steve Demme, but I feel very similar. I think had he been my math teacher in school I would have been a total math nerd. My poor husband (who before we found MUS thought he was going to have to teach math, in addition to his other jobs)has to listen to "Why were we never taught that way?!" and, "I learned something!!" very frequently.


Oh, I hear you!


I already have an Alg 2 curriculum, and I'm STILL thinking of buying MUS Alg 2, just because I like him so much...



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