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Homeschooling Biographies?

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I am looking for a book about someone within the homeschooling movement that is biographical in nature. It does not matter if it is a book written by a mother regarding her homeschooling journey or if it was one about a major name within the movement.


Anyone have a title off the top of their head????



P.S. Bonus points if you can help with the title of a magazine article with the same criteria as above! :)

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I remember the magazine Growing Without Schooling had an entire issue of essays/interviews with homeschool grads looking back at their homeschool experience. I think the issue would have been between 1997 and 2001.


Jessie Wise has spoken frequently about her experience.


Zan Tyler has a talk that she gives at conferences titled Life in the Firey Furnace that talks about how she started homeschooling in South (North?) Carolina back before it was legal. I got chills listening to her talk about this, because it is easy to forget how close in time this was.


There is another interesting book with profiles of African-American homeschoolers. I thought this one was interesting because of some of the challenges they face that I don't tend to encounter. (For example, I'm not likely to be considered a sell out if I abandon public schools or be seen to be rejecting the work of those who struggled to get integrated schools.) I think the title was Freedom Challenge.


Morning by Morning by Paula Penn-Nabrit


Homeschooling our Children, Unschooling Ourselves by Alison McKee


Homeschooling: A Family's Journey


Some of these I ran into just browsing Amazon.


Are you working on a project for a class?

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I remember the magazine Growing Without Schooling had an entire issue of essays/interviews with homeschool grads looking back at their homeschool experience. I think the issue would have been between 1997 and 2001.


Jessie Wise has spoken frequently about her experience.


Zan Tyler has a talk that she gives at conferences titled Life in the Firey Furnace that talks about how she started homeschooling in South (North?) Carolina back before it was legal. I got chills listening to her talk about this, because it is easy to forget how close in time this was.


There is another interesting book with profiles of African-American homeschoolers. I thought this one was interesting because of some of the challenges they face that I don't tend to encounter. (For example, I'm not likely to be considered a sell out if I abandon public schools or be seen to be rejecting the work of those who struggled to get integrated schools.) I think the title was Freedom Challenge.


Morning by Morning by Paula Penn-Nabrit


Homeschooling our Children, Unschooling Ourselves by Alison McKee


Homeschooling: A Family's Journey


Some of these I ran into just browsing Amazon.


Are you working on a project for a class?


Thank you for these suggestions. I am off to check them out.


I am doing a research paper, well sort of. I have to put together all the citations I would/could use if I were to choose this topic as a research project. This week we have to find biographies and directories that relate to our topic. I am having to get creative with a lot of my submissions because there isn't vast amounts of information (at least not the type my professor is looking for). Books I have found to be the most difficult to nail down. There are a lot of books out there regarding Homeschooling but when I have specific criteria....well it makes it a little tougher.


Anyway thank you for this list I will go see if they are what I need and can use. :)

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Is there a time frame? Ie, modern homeschooling or could you use historical figures who were taught at home or had tutors.


I thought of two more.


The first section of Lisa Welchel's So You're Thinking About Homeschooling has a description of her first few years of homeschooling her kids.


There is also a sweet chapter in the book Married to the Foreign Service by Jewel Fenzi about a family stationed in Iran in the 1950s. They used Calvert and the kids would say goodby to their mom at the front door, walk outside and around the fountain in the courtyard and come back in greeting her as Mrs. Brown. Then they would do the reverse when they "came home." We began homeschooling on an overseas assignment and this chapter meant a lot to me. To see that I wasn't treading brand new ground.


Can you use online resources? I think much more is being published in online EZines these days than in paper books and magazines.

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"For the Children's Sake" by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay has sections that are autobiographical. It also has sections that talk quite a bit about Charlotte Mason although I don't know if it is enough to consider a biography.


I haven't read it but when I googled, Cholmondley, Essex (1960). The Story of Charlotte Mason came up as a biography of Charlotte Mason.

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