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My 5 year old listens to everything we do here at home and picks up on lots of information...faster than my other two did. Anyway, becasue of that, the kindergarten Saxon Math was too beneath him and I started him in the 1st grade book...which, overall is just right for him, except his writing skills are not where his brain is. Should I be concerned if he can't write many of his answers small enough to fit in the spaces provided, that he still makes many of his numbers (and letters too, although that doesn't affect math) backwards.? He is totally understanding the acedemic part of it..and sometimes, he is even getting bored with the repetition...but we deal with that. What do you guys think?

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I think boring him to death with maths because he can't write well would achieve nothing positive. People should progress with their mathematical learning according to their ability to learn maths, not their ability to write. Let him write on another piece of paper, I say.



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If Nathan is your 5yo then I would say that having you do the writing would be more appropriate than having him do it.


No, it doesn't make them lazy. My kids only have so much writing energy and if I have to choose I prefer to use it on things other than worksheets. Just gradually hand over the task of writing when he is ready. I would set the standard though that *somebody* needs to fill in the worksheets and not just leave blank spaces.


I wrote quite a bit (but not everything) for my older son until he was 10 or so. He has dyslexia and dysgraphia which makes things much more difficult. My 7yo doesn't have the same issues and so he writes much more than the older one did at his age, but I still write for him occasionally too.

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