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I can't teach History!

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How can someone who really doesn't like History teach it so that their kids like it??? I started using SOTW last year...sort of liked it, but not really. And so wanting to stay with Classical model...I then chose VP history...running into the same problem...anybody ahve any suggestions for me????



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This may seem shallow, but I think it's the truth. History will come alive when you realize it was alive and affects us today. History is learning about who lived and what happened where and when and why. Ponder this: these people were living and breathing and had hopes and dreams, along with fears and problems. They really walked this earth, just as you are now. Understanding the past ensures that horrific events will not be repeated (like the Holocaust.) It ensures that our children have roots and an understanding of where they came from, it gives them an identity and a sense of belonging. It helps us see God's plan from the beginning, the big picture. Honestly, truly pondering these things and setting your gaze beyond your own backyard could be the key to unlocking a passion for history.

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i love history and still have a hard time teaching it. i'm not crazy (at all) about SOTW and have yet to find any materials that i am crazy about. to me, history is mostly subjective, it's a flexible perspective-based thing. my ideas about history make it hard to teach in a way that isn't confusing.

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I don't teach history until high school! What I do instead is: have ongoing read alouds of historical fiction or biographies; assign or encourage independent reading that includes books based in different time periods, go on fieldtrips to historical places, watch travel shows that talk about history (Rick Steves is great!), watch movies set in different time periods and then talk about history as the topics naturally come up in life! But I don't really follow anything other than a loose plan based on the Latin Centered Curriculum.

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