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Latin for sixth grader

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My 11dd who loves to write but struggles with grammar would like to learn latin. Actually was also a suggestion from her ps teacher as a method that may help her improve her grammar skills. I have been researching latin programs (big thanks to these boards) and think that latin for children would be best. Neither I nor my husband have had latin and to be honest I have no interest in learning. I already afterschool her math and history and also my youngest. I am not sure I have the energy to afterschool latin.


I have looked for a latin tutor to work with her but so far no such luck. Is there a latin program that she can do with minimal help from me. I do not mind overseeing but I just cannot imagine another curriculum. At what point do I give myself permission to just stop. Ok maybe that is another post. Anyway is there a latin program that while not completely self-teaching for a middle schooler, could be done with a "less involved" parent (with no latin knowledge).


For additional info if we were using a tutor we were going to ask a friend of hers to join her. Also this is the dd who does not respond well to my teaching her.



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Thank you. I read some reviews of Lively Latin. I saw a suggested schedule from the site that had 2-3 days per week this may work better than LofC as not as time consuming on per day basis.


For history we are doing SOTW and are back on Ancients and finishing up Greece by end of year. We do lots of the extra suggested reading. So Lively Latin may line up nicely for our history. I want her to start latin in January and go through the summer. Still hoping that I can somehow find a tutor. Thank you for your response.



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I have not heard of this one, Getting started with Latin. Does it include grammar? Is it more of an introductory program or a complete first year. What ages? Have you or anyone used this who could provide a little more information?


Thank you. Carolyn


It is equivalent (according to the author) to about a semester of Latin. However, I would say that it is probably more like a half a semester. It does include grammar. I also posted about it under the OP.

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Thank you for the suggestion of Getting Started with Latin. I read the reviews on Amazon and this may be a good choice and an inexpensive one too for a start. I may try to also do with my 7 year old as the lessons are short and who knows this may spark my interest as well.




Your 7yo could probably handle GSWL as well; it's very gentle. :) One of my friends is using this with her 7yo dd, and last I heard, it was going well. The author of GSWL has continuing lessons (for students who have finished the book but want to continue their studies) available online. You can find these here: http://www.linneyslatinclass.com/index.php.

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If you're serious about a 6th grader of average or better intelligence studying Latin, I'd recommend Henle or Lillian Hines Our Latin Heritage series (the latter is out of print, but widely available second-hand) or the Cambridge series.


Most of the kiddie Latin intro programs won't actually teach her any Latin that she'd want/need to know and they won't help her with grammer much, either.


Get a good, user-friendly grammar-translation course and then work it.


I can't recommend Latin for the New Millenium only because I have no first-hand knowledge of it.


Oerberg's Lingua Latina would also be excellent, but it's a more roundabout way to get to the "grammar exercises" approach that her English teacher is aiming at. If you want to outsource this, The Potter's School Latin program is good from everything I've heard.



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We have used this service this year. It has been fantastic. We decided to do a class but they have parent help available, student's tutoring available or what we are doing: the year-long group classes. The instructor's (Anne) past students were taught so well, they were consistent high scorers in the National Latin Exam.


To learn more about the school and/or to register for classes, visit the CLRC online at http://www.clrchomeschool.com.

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