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I created a new word :)


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Flopdom - This is when nearly all your curriculum choices for the yr have been flops. I was in the state of flopdom earlier in this yr and I have finally worked it all out and am no longer in the state of flopdom :D.


:lol: I've experienced it!!! Oh my goodness! Thanks for articulating what most homeschoolers have experienced at least once in their careers.


Flopdom... I love it!


Presently coming out of Flopdom...

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Flopdom...I was in the state of flopdom earlier in this yr and I have finally worked it all out and am no longer in the state of flopdom :D.


Flopdom..(sounds also like it could be a very depressing country.)




I hope to never visit the land of flopdom... either definition.

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Have been there myself! Kind of mind boggling -- I can't figure out how I can work so hard at getting it right, only to find it wasn't right after all.

Woe is me.

I recently replied to a post on the HS board about a super-wrong curriculum choice I made, concluding with this Yogi Bera classic, "We made a lot of wrong mistakes." I couldn't say it better myself.


Glad you are doing better :001_smile:


When my oldest was little, one of his words was "imn't". As in, yes I "im" or no I "imn't".


Well, there's tons I'd love to go back and change.......if I could. I chalk it up to experience and continue on......

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My niece came up with "amn't", as in "am not".


When we tried to tell her it wasn't a word, she said "yes it is, I am is I'm, are not is aren't, is not is isn't, so am not is amn't."


Hard to argue with a 5 year old.





My dd used "willn't" for years. She had a logic similar to your niece, and it took us forever to convince her to use the word "won't".

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