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Birthday ring?

Guest Cindie2dds

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Guest Cindie2dds

Have any of you done a birthday ring for your child's birthday? What are your traditions with it?




ETA: see lower down for a link. It is a wooden ring. :)

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i know what kind of ring you're talking about. it's a pretty common tradition is germany, although it wasn't in my family. i'd like to use it for my kids, but just can't make myself spend that much money on one.


i'm not sure how you do it exactly. i think you're supposed to put a candle in the middle and then add a figure to the ring every year. i think it goes up to age 12.


sorry, i'm probably not much help.... just wanted you to know i know what you're talking about and that i'd love to start this tradition myself :)

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I, too, am really intrigued by the birthday rings with the candles and figurines. The expense is a bit daunting, but maybe if we purchased a single figure year by year it wouldn't seem as onerous. Hmmm...


I've seen nearly the same kinds of rings re-organized into seasonal decorations. That could helps spread out the cost, too....hmmmm...


Are there any particular traditions or ceremonies for these rings or are they mostly just a special decoration for a child's birthday?

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Guest Cindie2dds


Are there any particular traditions or ceremonies for these rings or are they mostly just a special decoration for a child's birthday?


this was supposed to be my original question. :)


I would like to use it for seasons too. Just want to know what others do.

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