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Anyone do LOF with TT??

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Interesting you should post this today! I just planned out the next couple of months for ds doing TT Pre-algebra, and LOF Beginning Algebra.


If you use the LOF Study Companion book, he plans out the lessons which are very short and doable. So, I am planning on ds doing one lesson in each daily. I still expect his math to take less than an hour (and math is NOT his strong area).


Now, this is still only in theory since we havent started yet. HTH!



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I did this with my 8th grader - sort of. He started out with TT Algebra- then I discovered LOF on these forums and bought it. He LOVED LOF and I decided it should be his main math, but as it was so much shorter than TT I was worried he would miss something, so I made him take all the TT tests as well, just to be sure. He aced them all.


You can use TT if there are any concepts that need extra re-inforcing, but LOF Beginning ALgebra is TT algebra (not TT Pre-algebra) + a good portion of TT ALgebra 2. My older son did TT ALgebra and ALgebra 2 (I didn't know about Fred then) and this year I bought him LOF Trigonometry, BUT when the LOF Advanced Algebra arrived for younger son, I realized my older son had covered very little of it in TT ALgebra 2, so he has spent the first 3 months this year going through the LOF Advanced Algebra and filling in the gaps.


It is very late here ... not sure that all made sense!


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Is LOF all you use? Do you supplement it with anything now? Do you find it to be a thorough program? Obviously it covers more than TT (which many people feel isn't thorough anyway), but do you think there is enough practice to cement the material, or would you add something??


Thanks in advance...

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Sorry - I just figured out how to subscribe to threads on this forum (lol) so I didn't realize you had asked me a question. LOF is all I use for my high schoolers. They have got As on the tests at the end of each chapter so far, so I figure they don't need more practice. I don't know if it would be like this for all students.


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