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audiobooks in French

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Jane, you might try listening to Jane Austen in French, or something else you know well that is translated from English. If it is translated from English, I find I can correlate the French with the English better and it helps me to learn the nuances of the French. You may not be at the nuances stage, but I find that listening to a favourite chapter of Emma or something over and over means I understand more and more of it each time. I am happy when I get to the point where I can pick a word that I don't know out of a sentence, rather than just getting the general gist but not being sure how. A few years ago, all I could pick out were the little words LOL. It would sound like: The blank went to blank and blank blank under the blank but then when blank said no blank, blank blank. It was most discouraging. I persisted, though, and now I can understand much of a movie or a story. You just have to keep listening, and keep reading with a dictionary to build up your vocabulary.


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