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Age for Little Hands to Heaven?


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My DD will be 3 in January. She loves when I include her in homeschooling, by working with her on the Kumon's "First Steps" workbooks, A Beka's "Arts & Crafts with Button Bear" for 2 year olds, coloring, etc. I've been considering getting LHTH to do with her, mainly as another opportunity to interact with DD in a learning-type setting, but wonder if I should wait until she's a bit older. I know the guide says ages 2-5, but I guess I'm uncertain about "formal" schooling for so young an age, as I never did anything formal with DS before kindergarten and he learned the alphabet, consonant sounds and counting to 20 simply from playing and us reading to him. Any thoughts from experienced moms? :bigear:


P.S. I have "Slow and Steady, Get Me Ready" on my shelf, but it just seems to collect dust. :001_huh: I have good intentions, but because some activities require prep, I've unintentionally procrastinated with using it. I thought LHTH might be more usable, in that I've heard it's more "pick up an go."

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I think that LHTH is a VERY basic preschool program and perfect for most 3yos. In fact, it was too easy for both of mine at 2-3yo so sits on the shelf and collect dust. It is great if your dc don't know or could use practice on letters (including sounds) and numbers, but that wasn't my dc. It is well put together and easy to use. I loved how Bible is woven into the lessons, which is why I bought it. My dc just don't fit the HOD mold.

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My ds is 5 and we are using it for preK. It's admittedly pretty easy for him, but we are also working on listening skills, sitting still, following instructions, fine motor skills, etc, so there's more going on than just what's in the guide. He loves the fingerplays and songs, loves the stories. It's perfect for all that. I do supplement with Kumon workbooks too because we are working on his fine motor skills, and I am also doing 100EZ with him at the same time.


It's probably really ideal for 3-4. We're just going slow because we can, it's fun, and it gives me a gentle and slow program where he will feel like he's doing school, but won't overwhelm him while we work on other skills.

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I think it's great for 3-4yo's and 5yo PK'ers using the older student activities. Even for K if you add in K math and phonics. I also take the approach of taking our time getting into formal schooling, and LHTH teaches them so much and yet, doesn't come across as formal schooling at all. There are so many "hidden" skills kids are learning and I think that's why many that want something very formal for PK think it's too light, and many wanting to hold off think it's just right.


It's laying a great basis for motor skills, fun and enjoyment of learning, easy to do activities that teach them to follow directions and build conversation and observation skills, foundational narration skills, working with numbers, pre-handwriting in a very fun way, basic phonics, and wonderful Bible lessons. My 3yo will be doing some of LHTH this year. He already knows all his letters and one sound for each. So what! LHTH is made for his age and will keep him enjoying learning :001_smile: It's perfect. And it's easy enough to add in for me and it's short enough to keep his attention.


The supplies are really simple. I never made a list. I never looked ahead. If I didnt' have the exact thing, I easily found a quick substitute. Last year, my 2nd grader taught LHTH to her little brother for PreK (5yo)...this year she is in 3rd and he is in K and they will be helping teach it to the 3yo. It's that easy to follow! They love the layout, as do I. SO SO SO easy to follow and I don't feel tied down to do it in a certain order, or even start "day 1" on a Monday. Love it!

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