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Oil of Oregano question

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I've noticed some of you swear by oil of oregano. Would someone be willing to share what it is and why I'd want to take it? With all the swine flu, illness, etc. right now, I'd like to protect myself and my family, but I don't want to take medications.


I don't have much holistic knowledge, but I'd like to start moving that way. If there are sites you'd recommend, I'd love to hear about them also.



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There is a link about it on one of the other swine flu threads....



An d another thread:



And here is a store that is where I purchase all my natural supplements etc. They do mail order.


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There is a link about it on one of the other swine flu threads....



An d another thread:



And here is a store that is where I purchase all my natural supplements etc. They do mail order.




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My 19 year old takes it for his asthma. He takes 2 drops daily, under his tongue and a glass of water. He used to be on Singular until a good friend told us about this. We dropped the pills and this is all he uses for daily control. He does have a rescue inhaler but never needs it. He's been on this for about 6 months with wonderful results.

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