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So, How's Your Neighborhood?

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In the past two months there have been three murders in my town. This one was walking distance from my house. I THOUGHT living out in the country gave some sense of safety, but alas, no. We have also had a police officer shot, numerous drug raids/busts, four major child abuse arrests (that I know of) and a woman arrested for driving with her daughter on top of her van.... to keep a cardboard box from flying away. What is this world coming to????

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Well, the city I live in has the highest murder rate in the state of Florida, nope, we are no where near Miami. But most of the murders to tend to be in the lower income areas, centering around drugs, etc. So it's not like I expect that type of activity in my neighborhood, although I am aware it spreads like wildfire. But it's just something you see on the news and know you just never go to that side of town.


On the other hand, a little girl was just kidnapped here on Monday, and found on Wednesday, murdered. That was in a totally middle-class neighborhood, about 15 minutes from me. THAT scares me. That was everyday, normal people just living a normal life and now it has been completely altered...it has been horrible to watch the news here, although it's been all over the national news too, and so sad for the family. Very scared around here.

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We had a murder quite a few months ago. The first one in 50 years. No one as been arrested but they we've heard rumors that could be from a movie. :tongue_smilie: My son has been approached by some to buy drugs, we have been followed, We've seen men in the park w/guns. Reports of men trying to lure kids into cars. Hmmmm, not to safe anymore. Oh, and s*x offend**s. all around. But, this area still has a great reputation. :confused:

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Are the crimes near your house drug related? That would make me feel a bit better, I guess. At least it would be targeted and not just random.


We live in a nice neighborhood. We have an AWESOME police force. Like, when I called 911 once, they were here in less than 2 minutes. But, we are having in increase in petty crimes - stolen bikes, things stolen out of cars, etc. Luckily nobody is getting hurt, but it is a disappointment. It's a sign of the times here - people are getting desperate for money. We're just outside Detroit, if that says anything. Unemployment in the city is at 25%. It's terrible. I pray that our neighborhood stays as nice as it is now!!!

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A lot of drugs lately here. Apparently the price has dropped in NYC and the dealers are dealin' here....many kids wandering the streets get picked up for truancy. My high schooler has seen many deals in the building. Simultaneously the admin is reporting a severe drop off in students participating in sports and clubs despite the availability to bussing home. Reported home robberies have jumped.

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Are the crimes near your house drug related? That would make me feel a bit better, I guess. At least it would be targeted and not just random.




Some of them are. I have not heard the motive of this one, as far as I know they have not caught the guilty party. One murder was a teenage boy who shot his girlfriend's father because the father said his daughter could not date the boy anymore. Meth and prescription drugs are big around here. A lot of robberies are a result of that.

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We don't live in a perfect neighborhood but it isn't too bad. Our neighbor across the street was arrested for manufacturing illegal drugs in their child's bedroom. That was bad. The father is in jail and the mom has had her children removed from her care.


There was an arson down the road but that was from a troubled teen trying to kill himself not out to hurt anyone else.


The father of one of my daugher's friends was recently in jail for who knows what.


So, yeah their is some shady stuff but nothing that makes me uncomfortable living here because for every weird or illegal thing that happens we have 3 times that number of vigilant neighbors who really care and look out for you and your family.


We live in the most affordable neighborhood in our township and are within 5 miles of a city with a crime and drug problem so when people can afford to leave the city they often move into our neighborhood so to a point some of that follows them whether they want it to or not.

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