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S/O on toys threads: Non-electronic toy faves...

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So I was thinking about how much I just can't stand all the electronic toys out there today that do EVERYTHING for the kids and make imagination a thing of the past. Talking everything, moving everything, noise, noise, noise...(do I sound like the Grinch? :D). I want this Christmas to be almost totally electronics free (with the exception of the iPod Shuffle my dd12 has been wanting :)) and possible a Leapster for dd4 who always fights over her brothers'. So, what are your fave, non-electronic toys (any age range). I'll start!




wooden blocks

books, books, books and more books!

simple cars/trucks that the kids has to move by themselves!

play kitchens


What are yours?

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For my girls that would be bath toys. They like to do experiments with color, fizzy stuff, and bubbles. They have plastic test tubes and holder, beakers, measuring cups, and pipettes. They get color fizzies, bath crayons, soaps etc. They have collected quite a few bath toys over the holidays.

I don't let them get the colors and soaps in the bath water though because I don't think it good for them to be soaking in. They use it in the shower to.

I have the kid of kids that will stay in the bath for 2 hours playing.


Other non-electronic toys they've received and loved are:

paper dolls

sewing supplies including a little stack of fabric and ribbon

a new cup or dish from Anthropologie


tie dye kit

gourmet chocolate



foam airplanes

plastic pirate swords

jump ropes esp. long ones for double dutch. I can't believe how many ways they've used those.


We also get them these really cool japanese toys, they're in what looks like a little cereal box, you never know what you'll get inside but it's always some kind of mini plastic food or cooking stuff.


And any new animal :D


Oops I just realized you asked about toys!

Some of this stuff obviously isn't, but for me that's why I love buying these things every year, because they are battery free and no charger required.

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We're doing almost the exact same thing this year! I cleaned out the playroom of toys that the kids do not play with. Almost everything I pulled out was electronic! The staples that they really used didn't talk, or move, or have lights and sounds. The toys they really play with are the ones who let them use their own imaginations, make their own sounds, etc.


Here's the things we kept in the playroom:


Little People

Schleich animals

My Little Ponies

Littlest Pet Shop


stuffed animals (Webkinz and others)



And here's the possible things I'm getting my girls for Christmas:



more Playmobil

domino race set

ant farm

crayola masterworks art set for DD5

keva planks

lots of crafts and art things for DD5

new Webkinz each

Little People Animalville for DD2


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